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Finally , the concert ended .
Crowd seemed to thinning off.
The students , staff and parents were scattered in the hall.
Some were still celebrating , well wishing and some were getting ready to go.

" Where's your friend from old school? ". It was Sonu  .

" Lets go and greet him"

I saw Vinura and his grandma , he was slightly bending down as he was taller than grandma , and she kissed his forehead .
Seeing me and Sonu approach , he straightened his back. His face was devoid of any emotions. Not even a little smile drew on his face. He was looking at me with piercing eyes . Unfamiliar pain misted my mind.

I was too focused on Vinura , and didn't notice the commotion beside him.

All of a sudden , His grandma who was perfectly fine just now, was out of breath and clutching her chest with both hands.
It was Sonu noticed it first and ran towards her screaming ..
" are you ok?"
" call an ambulance "
" grandma , what's wrong ??"
" make her sit down!!"
" grandma , grandma !! ,"
" grandma , talk to me"
" Shane, call an ambulance "

Our three voices were assorted in panic .

" No , I'm ok. Don't panic. No ambulance.. ". Grandma spoke with difficulty .
" Just a little chest pain, it happens sometime. Get me a GTN tablet ".
Vinura was holding her .,so I rustle her bag of medication in hurry ..

" what's GTN?"

" inside that little brown bottle". Vinura helped to find it , and he put  one tablet under her tongue .
Sonu is always good in situations like that, she was gently stroking grandma' s hair.
After a few minutes , grandma seems better .
" Grandma , your inhaler" Vinura gave her a blue colour inhaler and assisted with it.
She was now looking almost alright , sitting comfortably , breathing easily.
She took the hand of Sonu, who was stroking her hair, and gazed at her face.

" little darling , what's your name ?

" I' m Sonu , grandma. Do you feel better now"

" Much better now. I need to go to the toilet , can you help me? "

" of course , grandma , lets go"
Sonu was always good at taking care of people.

Vinura was looking at the two of them walking across the corridor, Sonu holding grandma's hand.

In the short period of time I got to know him, I have seen various kinds of emotions on his face. 
The emotionless face with piercing eyes aimed at me few moments back was gone.

What I was seeing now, was a brand new Vinura. His face brimming with worry and concern for the only relative he had in life.

I felt my heart breaking when I see him like that.  Again it was a moment that I really wanted to hug him.
But instead , I put my arm around his shoulder , gently patting in reassuring manner.
He looked into my eyes and slightly nodded his head , understandingly.. 


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