Safe heaven

20 1 11

All the doors and windows of Menul's house were closed . Is he not at home ? , I got worried .
As his home was very familiar to me, I got on to the balcony and knocked the window of his room.

" Menul , Menul ". I called in a low voice .
What would I do if he is not at home ? A new fear began to grow in my heart .
But to my relief the window was opened . A sleepy Menul rubbing his eyes appeared before me.

" Shane ! ".
He was astonished to see me there in this hour.

" come in . I fell asleep doing homework "
Smiling  he let me in.

" My parents are not at home today. Grandma is in downstairs . Did you knock on the front door ? Probably she didn't here you ". 
He was talking as if I am here for a casual chat and play video games like in any other day .
I was wearing a big baseball cap, so half of my face was hidden and bruises and black eye were not visible .
I removed my cap without saying anything , he gasped in shock.

" My God!! Shane . What happened ?" 

Tears started to flow from my eyes.
He tried to embrace me. I flinched in pain when his hands touched my back.
Sensing something wrong he lifted my tshirt and looked at my bruised , swollen skin with belt marks.

" My God . Who did this to you ?? ".  His eyes were filled with tears too.
I couldn't hide my loud sobs anymore seeing his genuine concern. At least one person in this world cares for me.

" Who did this to you Shane ? "
He asked again .

" My father ."

" What !!!"  it was a voice of utter disbelief .
" But  why? "

" He caught me watching a porn video ". 
It was half the truth.

" But .. But.. Don't  all the guys of our age do it ? You don't deserve to get beaten up like that "

I knew it's time to tell the truth . The whole truth about me.
But what will happen after that ?
Will he see it as something disgusting ? Will he abandon me like others ?
Whatever happens I decided I have to tell him now.

" Menul , I have to tell you something . Something serious "

" what is it Shane . ? You know you can tell me anything"

" Father caught me watching a porn video . It was not regular porn. Thats why he got so mad "

He looked alarmingly surprised .
" What do you mean by not regular porn?"

" It's  about two boys doing it"
There . I said it.
My fingers were slightly trembling and  my palms were sweating profusely .

Menul looked dumbfounded
" But why would you watch something like that? "
Then suddenly a realization drawn on his face.
" Oh,, Can it be because you are.... Well,,
He stammered ..
"Well, are you ......?? "

I nodded my head.
" Yes. Menul , I am. I like boys"

He was immersed in some thought ..
" For How long you have known it ? "

" Probably since I'm 14. "

" And no one knew it until your father found it out today ? "

" Well , I , I sort of told it to Vinura . Last december ."

He didn't say anything   What  was in his expression ? He looked visibly upset.
I felt suddenly panicked .
Is he too, going to outcast me  ??

" Menul , please don't leave me. My father said I am dead to them. I don't have anyone in this world now ."
I was speaking through sobs
"You were my first love.. You are the only one left in the world for me.. "
I sounded so desperate .

With my words , it looked like He shook off whatever the thoughts in his mind..

"Hey, calm down. Don't worry . Why would I leave you ? "

" You looked upset ."

" Yes. It is because , you knew it for two years and didn't trust me enough to tell it. Am I not your best friend? " 
He did not sound angry . Just hurt may be .

" Well, you are.. !! I'm sorry . I was afraid  ."

He heaved a sigh.
" It's  ok. Lets forget it. Let me apply some antiseptic cream on your back ."

He lifted my tshirt and gently applied some cream on the bruises .

" Menul , I ran away from my  house. I can't  go there again "
I stated.

" Hmm.. I kinda figured it " he said calmly .
It was always amazing how he can stay calm in situations like that.

" You can stay here tonight. But , What's  next ? Your parents can easily find you here."

" I don't  know .".
I was just clueless .

" Shall we call your uncle Devinda ? I feel he is someone that you can trust. "

" yes. Lets call him. ".
It was the only solution I could see.

He finished applying cream on my back.
He put down my tshirt , but I felt his fingers lingering a bit on my skin over the clothing .

" Mm.. Shane. , just now you said that I'm your first love. Is it true?? "
He asked shyly .

Oh.. I had indeed said that in a whim.
Words had been just blurted out in panic .

" yeah . I said that ". I agreed .

Yes, he was my first love. But after I got close to Vinura I realized that my true feelings are blossomed for him. Even though Vinura told me to stick to my first love , I couldn't do it. I couldn't betray to my true feelings.

I have to make things clear with him. As he finished applying cream on my back, I turned myself to face him.

" You know Shane , , I just watch regular porn. A guy and a girl. Or even two girls doing it"
He said with an akward laugh.
We both laughed for the first time in this evening .
" That means I'm straight ,right?".

" Most probably " I agreed .

And how funny , once Vinura said that he was sure my friend X has feelings for me and adviced me to stick to my first love .
Can you see it now " The-I-know-it-all-Vinura" , that my friend X is straight !! He likes girls .

" But don't ever think there's no one for you in this world. You are always very important to me.. "
His voice was gentle .
" And as you have feelings for me , I think I can give it a try."  Menul said taking my hand.

" Wait , What ? "

Oh Menul , I said you  WERE my first love. In past tense . God , how can I tell him now??

"Yeah,  Even though I figured myself as straight , you know Shane , I always felt you are very special to me. When you got close with Vinura , remember I got really jelous?? . And of course I think you are really good looking  . "
He said ..

I was wondering where he was trying to go...

" Don't worry , Shane I will never leave you . So as you already like me... , Please give me sometime. I will figure out my feelings for you . Probably I will learn how to love a boy..!! "

Oh.. The always kind and gentle darling Menul..
Once he didn't want to refuse a strange girl's love just because she worked hard with that 3000 sequins gift for him.
And now??
Are you trying to change your sexual preference for me?? No Menul , It doesn't work like that.
He made me speechless .

Then he did something all of a sudden.
Menul leaned towards me akwardly and placed a light kiss on my lips..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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