Sonu's secret

15 2 12

It was a free period in school ..
We were having a good chat. Sonu inspects the wall hanger that Menul recieved .

" its beautiful though . That girl said this has 3000 sequins, want to count them??"

Sonu has weirdest ideas.
" Nah I'm good. "  "nope" she recieved blunt refusal from both of us.
With that Sonu started counting them alone ,
I was having a little chat with Menul,while absentmindedly turning the pages of Sonu's poem collection.

1,2,3,4....., and Sonu gave up at 155 ..
" I can't do this"

" no one asked you to count them too" we laughed

" oh shut up. I' m going to the loo" She left us.

I was still turning the pages of Sonu's poem book. Though I have zero interest on them, a poem caught my attention.

" TWO STARS IN HEAVEN " was the title of it.

It was about a girl weeping about her dead parents.
Curiously I explored other pages , actually reading them a bit.
There were several poems about that theme, about loneliness and not having anyone in the world.

"Menul, read this and see"
Menul peeked in.

" Why does she write things like this. Look at this lines. .. " I'm being lonely in this world,
Without having anyone of my own
Two stars in the sky, wait for me
Soon I will come and with you I will join "

" but she has both mom and dad , they are very nice people too"

" her dad is a doctor, right?"

" yeah "

" But this is a just a poem. It doesn't have to be her own experience "

" hmm, but there are several poems like that "

" hey look , some poems seemed to have other themes too"

" yep., for an example look at this one, 
title " Unrequited love"
  " I'll keep my mouth shut..
     never telling my love for you ..
    I will be in your shadow ,
Share your sorrow
But never will tell
   As I'm afraid to loose you"

I found these words speaking to my heart. And relatable too.  That's just like my situation .
I glanced at Menul and sighed.

At that moment, Sonu came to the classroom.
" Oh you guys are reading my book? "

" yeah. Sorry we didn't actually read them before."

" you are a good poet"

" Indeed, Sonu , listen, they are beautiful. Its amazing you write about stuff  you never experienced "

She was silent for few minutes . Sad clouds appeared misting  her cheerful eyes. 

" Everything, every word in this book are my personal experience" her voice was bearly audible .

" but but, these poems about ., about lost parents ?"

" you only noticed them today ?? After reading my poems all the time?? You two are really hopeless "

She smiled , but tears weiled up in her eyes. 

" The thing is, I .. I was adopted.  My parents , i mean my real parents met with an accident when mom was heavily pregnant with me. They both passed away and doctors could save the baby. Mother gave me life on her deathbed ". 

Now her tears are freely running through her cheeks .

" my father , i mean my adoptive father was a doctor in that hospital , so he legally took me over "
She wiped her eyes.
" Im thankful to them, i love them, but, but you know..." She couldn't complete it and broke down to tears.

We both hugged her..
" It's okay, it's okay "
It was a group hug.

I wanted to light up the situation .

" anyway , Sonu , who is the lucky guy?? "

" what  lucky guy?"

"the guy in this "Unrequited love"?"

She shot me a glance hard to decipher .

" oh, you are  really a stupid , stupid prick."


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