Black tie, Red Tshirt

18 2 16

It's already evening .
The town hall is getting crowded by now. People began to fill the seats in the hall , all nicely dressed up ladies and well groomed men, and I clearly stood out in the crowd as the only one wearing a school uniform . Stupid me, rushing here just after school when the concert starting at 5.30. I felt bit akward .

Vinura was about to go to the dressing room to get ready and somehow he noticed my sulking face.
" what's wrong ?"

" not a big deal. seems like I'm the only one in a school uniform ". I smiled.

" Do you want a colour tshirt ? I have one in the bag."

"hmm,, ok , thanks"

Then he took me to boys dressing room. It was a large hall , about half a dozen boys were there putting on blazers , ties or shoes. No one really cared I was there.

" Machan, you are here . it's about time, let's get ready " someone called Vinura. 
It was the boy that I talked to inquire about Vinura yesterday.
" yeah, it's about time. Fawas, you remember Shane, ? He used to be in our school "
Vinura did a casual introduction.
" hello " I shook hands with Fawas.

" Hi malli, that's why you looked familiar "  he looked like a friendly guy.

Vinura took a nicely folded tshirt out from his duffel bag and gave it to me..

Its not a tshirt filled with his masculine scent as you would imagine , but a brand new red tshirt smelling like any other new clothing , still with tags on.
Bit wider on shoulders, but fitted fine on me.

When I got changed and came out  of curtain covered changing area, Vinura had already put on his black blazers and draping his tie around the collar

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When I got changed and came out of curtain covered changing area, Vinura had already put on his black blazers and draping his tie around the collar.

" Do you want a help with your tie?". I offered .
He slightly raised his eyebrows , and let me do it.
I was always good at tying a neat tie knot .

Placing the tie around his neck, crossing the wide end of the tie over thinner end , biting my lower lip, frowning my eyebrows in concentration , finally I looped the wide end through the knot , tighten it. There . Done. Very neat.
When I raised my eyes to see his face very close to me, he was intently looking at me with a little smirk .. What's that smirk supposed to mean ??

" Ok . Done" I stepped back .

He looked in to the mirror .

" hmm , lets see ...", machan " he called out his friend putting a pair of black shoes.
" Is my tie knot ok or do you think this little brat ruined it??"

Fawas laughed aloud . " It's very nice . Welldone malli "

" I was just kidding. It's nice. thank you " Vinura turned to me.

He looked at me directly , turning his back to mirror

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He looked at me directly , turning his back to mirror .

That was the moment ,  I could fully appreciate how he looked tonight.
He looked absolutely elegant..
I'm sure he is one of these guys who fully aware about their deadly handsomeness .
Standing tall and his hands in trouser pockets.. looking so damn proud..

I should wish him goodluck for the competition and leave now. Its about time.
So I went to him and held at his elbows..

" Good luck for your contest,, I know you can do it "

However He stood aloof,,  with his hands still in his pockets..but smiled.

" thank you Shane "

The way this guy standing aloof!! So full of himself ..
I touched his arms but he was only keeping his hands in his pockets ..
I had this sudden urge to kick his ass.
Or rather a sudden urge to make him blush.

" And one more thing, Vinu... you look absolutely gorgeous tonight "

There. I did it. His eyebrows raised again. And blush was inevitable on the cheeks.
Done and dusted .

" ok, I have to go now . See you ". I ran out of the dressing room.

" Wait" to my surprise he caught me at my elbow, near the door.

" Shane , you know , you are a low key flirt" he whispered

" What !!!"

In a low husky voice , with that smirk on his face., his eyes mischievously glistening as he said ,

" You  may seem so innocent and cute to the world. But you know Shane, you're such a low key flirt "

Finally that smirk turned into a sweet smile ..

 What does that supposed to mean ?? But his tone , those words, and that lethal smirk

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What does that supposed to mean ??
But his tone , those words, and that lethal smirk. , finally that sweet smile .. were haunting in my mind all evening ,
as I was waiting  to see him on the stage .

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