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Twenty or so minutes passed after they went to the toilet , and still no sight of Sonu or grandma .
The bus for Vinura's  school students and parents was getting ready to leave now.

" what takes them this long? " Vinura was clearly worried .

" lets go and see"

We ran across the corridor .

We were surprised to find grandma and Sonu were sitting on an outside bench and talking.

" grandma what are you doing ? I' m worried sick here. ".  Vinura seemed to be a little angry .

" Don't  worry dear, I was having a little chat with Sonu"

He seemed to calm himself down and turned to Sonu.
" Sonu, right ? I'm Vinura . Couldn't talk to you amidst of all the ruckus .. Thank you very much nangi  , you know, for grandma " he added gently .

" It's  alright Vinura ayya, I'm happy to help". Sonu gave him a charming smile ..

" Grandma , the bus is leaving, time to go"

" ok , ok  , let's go"  before getting up grandma carefully put a neatly folded piece of paper in her handbag.

" Grandma, what's that paper?"

" oh , that's.." she hesitated a bit.
" that's Sonu's father's phone number and address " 
Grandma looked at Vinura's surprised questioning face and quickly added,
" because he is a doctor, So he can probably advise about my chest pain"

" but grandma,  I don't know if he can be much help. He is a neonatologist "  Sonu said.
" that means he is a doctor of very little babies , just after birth " she translated the strange word for us.

I remembered once she told us about that. The story of how her father met her. Little newborn Sonu was in his ward for two months after her real parents' death.  And he decided to make that premature sick baby his own daughter.

" grandma, let's see your cardiologist when we go back "

" don't worry  dear, I'm alright now "
, let's go" she took Sonu's hand and walked ahead with  her.

Okay, I was certain now that grandma favoured Sonu over me, even though I was the one she met first .
Taking her father's contact number was suspicious too. Is she so impressed with Sonu at first sight and want to make her grand daughter in law someday?? And she wants to talk to Sonu's dad about that proposal??

When I was about quicken my pace to follow them,
I felt I was dragged back by my elbow.

" No need to run . Lets just walk slowly . My school bus won't leave without their best violinist ".
He smiled with a smug face..

" See, you are so full of yourself "

He laughed lightly.

" So , who's the girl??"
A question dropped without a warning.

" Sonu? Don't You already know her now. ? Grandma seems to adore her"

He squeezed above my elbow hard and raised his eyebrows in a demanding manner.
" ouch , it hurts idiot . She is my best friend "

He released my elbow .
" best friend ? A woman ?". A brat face again .

I smacked on his head lightly.
" There are girls in my new school .. So yes"

We walked forward in silence .
I saw the students are getting on the bus with backpacks.
Suddenly I felt this tightening feeling inside the chest.
So, Few more minutes and he will be leaving now.
It was a magical two days .. With some breathtaking moments with him.. But it all supposed to end now??

Grandma and Sonu were already waiting for us near the entrance . He is leaving now. I couldn't even bid him a proper goodbye .. But again , what is a proper goodbye??

He slowed his pace furthermore ..
" Shane, " his voice was so low,
" when will I see you again ??"

It was a simple question, but it gave me butterflies.
It was a question , which I had no clue..
We live so far away .

" I don't know .. " I hardly hear myself saying .

" will you call me this time??"

" Sure , I mean, I don't have a phone yet. But will call you from my mother's phone "

" ok. Here's my number. Don't lose it. No excuses this time"

" no , no . not again " I laughed. Sadly .

We have finally reached the bus.
" we are here. I'd get going now. Bye Shane " he said

So this is it. ? This is the goodbye. ?

" Vinura wait " I blurted out in an sudden impulse.

" yes?"

Now what? What should I say?
Should I give him a hug? Isn't it awkward? How many times in these two days I had urge to hug him but couldn't do it??
Grandma, Sonu, uncle Dev and a whole bus of students are there. . I made up my mind .

" Vinu, congratulations, your performance was great.. It was .. " I looked into his eyes
" It was magical " the last part came out as a whisper.
A slightly blushed Vinura smiled shyly.
" thank you Shane. "

And I hugged him.  Although its a quick hug infront of the loaded bus.
And with a deep inhale  I took all of him into my lungs ..

        -------------- I was waiting with Sonu, till the bus disappeared from our eyesight

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I was waiting with Sonu, till the bus disappeared from our eyesight.
She had tears in her eyes. Such a sentimental girl.
" That grandma was very sweet, I'm gonna miss her" she said.
Well I'm gonna miss the grandson, I don't know when I can see him again . But I will not lose his number and I will call him this time for sure.
Well, yes I have to use my mother's phone . My dad had promised to buy me one only when I reach 16. Suddenly , I felt I couldn't wait till 16 to get my own phone , I still have 6 more months.

We were gazing at the long stretching road with heavy hearts.
We didn't know at the moment, the meeting today will going to change our lives forever...
Vinura , Sonu , Menul and mine...
We didn't know it yet , Some unexpected turns were awaiting along the ride..

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