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"They said that love was enough, but it wasn't."

Aurielle Sharbino's early life was rather harsh and glum. Although, it didn't all start just like that. It was like the ten green bottles that stood firmly on the wall, but except when the first one fell, the others came toppling down immediately after. One after the other.

It all began when the Sharbino family found out that Aurielle's mother, Susan, had been having an affair with a co-worker for 7 years. It broke their little family apart, as expected. Mr Sharbino, Aurias, loved Susan dearly and simply couldn't cope with the situation, so he took his own life on the night before Aurielle's birthday through an overdose.

The girl hadn't celebrated her birthday ever since. She thought birthdays were pointless. A constant reminder that you're still alive in this wretched world, waiting on the day you'd no longer breathe.

Aurielle was left with her mother, who then turned to drugs and alcohol. Susan also couldn't handle the grief. She felt as though it was her fault. When it, in fact, was her fault, according to her daughter. Aurielle spent the remainder of her childhood from 13, blaming her mother and putting it all on her. It's quite understandable. She was just a child, and she wouldn't understand. She couldn't.

Aurielle thought that if her mother hadn't cheated, her father wouldn't have taken those pills, and they would still be a happy family.
But even before that, were they really a happy family? It was all in plain sight to everyone that they weren't, but she was too young to understand. She couldn't.
Susan Sharbino didn't just have handprints on her face from crashing into a wall. She didn't have a limp from falling down the stairs. She didn't have a black eye from walking into a pole, and her body wasn't constantly in pain from just existing. No one really thought about it all. The only thing they saw was that her husband hadn't killed himself for a reason other than her cheating. He didn't love Susan in any way.
How could Aurielle not see that? She was too young to understand. Aurias Sharbino was good to her, and that was all she knew.

Her mother had been in and out of rehab ever since then, which caused Aurielle to move from house to house of her family members. She always felt as if she was a heavy burden of some sort. She wasn't wrong. She was a burden, and her relatives never failed to remind her in every passing minute. Aurielle loathed her father's family, but who was she to blame them for treating her poorly? After all, her mother did practically kill their son, brother, cousin, uncle, and so on. Or so they all thought.

You're a slut. A little whore just like your bitch of a mother. You'll never make it in life.

Oh, and did she prove them wrong. She was determined to become nothing like her mother. She graduated high-school and left to study her passion, Culinary Arts. Just as she had discussed with her father in the early days of growing up.

Aurielle missed the summers where she'd visit the ice cream parlor every day of the week with her father. He'd take her there after a long day of work, but he didn't mind, all that mattered was that there was a smile on his daughter's little face.
The two had a bond that could never be severed nor broken. He was good, only to her.
They were the ultimate father-daughter duo, partners in crime, and they were happy. Life was good, and all was well.

That is, until the 3rd day of July, 2018. Aurielle Sharbino's life came to an abrupt halt.
Aurielle pays for her mother's stay at rehab until she gets out, then repeats the process. Albeit she hates what her mother did, she still loves Susan deep down.

She is warm and her heart is kind.

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