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"I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend. It's not what he's made for."

"Eugh," I sighed, flopping onto my bed.

School is hard.
But it's worth it.

I submitted my assignment and closed my laptop, setting it to charge. I laid back, staring at the ceiling, admiring the designs.

My phone rang, and I checked the ID, seeing that it was Pierre.

"Girl, where the fuck have you been?" He spoke through the phone.

"Depressed," I answered, rolling onto my stomach.

"That's a regular thing with you," he laughed with me joining him.

"There's a party tonight. We should go," he suggested excitedly.

"Whose party is it?"
"I'm not sure, but everyone is invited, " he said. I heard shuffling in the background which I assumed was him finding an outfit.

"I have nothing else going on so I guess I'll be there," I got up to do the same.

"Great, now we'll finally have some fun together since you got here!" He cheered.

I never told him how I ended up in Italy. All I said was that I just moved here, and he left it at that.

That was one of the many things I admired about Pierre Richards, he always stayed in his business and he wasn't chaotic. A lot of the students were rowdy and problematic, rich and snobby, stuck up and 'too good for anything'. I could go on for hours.

Pierre mostly stayed to himself, but had excellent networking skills which opened a lot of opportunities for him. He was an excellent student and so was I. We were both at the top of our classes and were at loggerheads. I came to realise that he was sweet, behind his standoffish behaviour.

"Hmm, so you only want me to be there so you won't look stupid by yourself?" I teased, laughing as he scoffed.

"Whatever! Just be there, I'll text you the address. See youuuu," he said all in one breath before he cut the call.

I got a notification from him with the address and the time. I had exactly two hours to get ready.

I don't even know what to wear.


"You made it!" Pierre ran over to hug me. My nose was filled with his sandalwood cologne as I hugged him back.

"Of course I did, you know I'd never leave you hanging, " I giggled.

"You're my favourite friend," he lightly bumped me with his shoulder as we walked up to the large mansion.

"Bro, I'm literally your only friend, " I rolled my eyes.

"Says who? I have many friends," he waved me off.

Lust For Love (18+)Where stories live. Discover now