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"Is this happiness?"

"Capo, we got them in the cells," one of my men notified me.

I took all my weapons and went downstairs. I saw the two thieves tied up to cold metal chairs badly beaten up.

"You did a good job," I smirked, looking over at Donny, who wiped blood from his hands.

"As usual," he chuckled sadistically.

"Tell me, gentlemen. Where are my shipments," I slowly walked towards the half dead men.

"We'll never tell," one of them seethed.

"Speak for yourself! I'll tell him everything right now if it means getting away. I've got five kids, man, " the other cried. Pathetic.

"Tsk tsk, disloyalty is something that I don't tolerate. You both know that, don't you?" I picked up one of my knives that I had laid out on the table.

They both nodded in fear.

"You broke the trust between us, and that's unacceptable," I smirked, slicing both of their cheeks in one single movement.

"Please, I'll tell you everything!" The snitch spoke up.

"Speak," I stopped to listen to him, dismissing Donny so he could get cleaned up.

They told me everything. In the end, they both died.

I was tired but glad that I finally got to go home to my love.

I drove myself home as I didn't want to bother my chauffeur at three in the morning.

Just as I was leaving my ten car garage, I saw a beaten up, old Toyota stop in front of the gate to let someone out.

I stood there closely watching until the figure became more clear to me, and it was Aurielle.

She took slow, calm steps as she walked up to the front door, not noticing my presence at all.

"What are you doing out here so late?" I asked from behind her.

She lightly jumped and turned around.

"I went out," was all she said. Her eyes were red. Was she doing drugs?

She put in the code and walked inside with me following her.

"Out where?"

"A party," she took off her jacket and her air forces as she walked, leaving a trail of her clothes on the floor.

"With who?" I asked as I picked up after her.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked irritated at her short answers.

"My friend from the university," she sighed as she walked through the bedroom door.

"Why didn't you tell me about any of this?" I thew her clothes into the hamper in the bathroom.

"I don't know, it just slipped me," she laid on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I sighed, not knowing what to do with her.

"I'm high," she said with a light smile on her face.

"I know," I sat on the bed, looking down at her sprawled on the floor.

"I won't do it again, though, " she said as she pointed to the ceiling.

"So why'd you do it tonight then?" I asked, taking off my shoes.

"I guess I just needed closure," she shrugged.

"And you got it?"

"Yeah, it felt good," she let out a contentious sigh.

"Well, I'm glad," I smiled, lifting her off the ground.

"Can you give me a bath like the last time?" She asked softly.

"Anything for you, tesoro, " I kissed her forehead and took her to the bathroom.

I filled up the bath and took off the remainder of her clothes, discarding them in the hamper. I gently placed her in the warm bath and took down her hair from the tight elastic.

"Gio," her delicate voice interrupted my thoughts as I washed her body.

"Hmm?" I looked at her for a quick moment before lifting her arm.

"I'm fucked up," she said, looking me straight in the eye.

"I am too," I responded.

"Do you still love me?" She asked softly.

"I never stopped, " I kissed her cheek quickly before moving to clean between her legs.

"Good, because I would always love you," she smiled, her high finally wearing off.

"Thank you."


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