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"You leave me breathless."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Aurielle screamed at her computer from across the room in my study.

I sat at my desk in silence as I watched it all go down from my peripheral vision.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" She slammed her paper on the desk.

"Is everything alright, bellissima?" I asked, giving her my full attention.

"The stupid thing decided to restart just as I was about to submit my essay," she groaned, pulling the elastic out of her hair. Her puff drooped a bit, but remained sticking up like a large cloud. I resisted the urge to laugh at the sight.

"It's okay. You can use mine," I motioned her over.

"You don't understand! It's due at 11:59 and I'm tired," she started pulling out her hair from its standing position. It was only 6 p.m.

"Bring me the paper," I said.

She walked over with her written ten thousand word essay, handing it to me.

I logged into her account and scanned her paper with my phone and sent it over to my laptop so it could translate to text.

I submitted her assignment to her professor and heard the notification for the automatic response.

Thank you, Aurielle Sharbino. Your assignment has been received!

She stood there with her lips pressed tightly together.

"And you sat over here watching me type that long ass thing out!" She folded her arms, looking angry.

"I didn't want to disturb you," I shrugged with a smirk.

"You're terrible," she grumbled. She's so cute.

"Struggle builds character, " I got up and pat her head, walking out to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"I've already got lots of character," she sighed dramatically.

"Not enough apparently," I grinned.

She huffed and sat on a bar stool, mumbling things to herself.

"Go on a date with me tonight," I said suddenly, too nervous to look for her reaction.

"Took you long enough," she said smirking.
"What are you trying to say," I scoffed.

"Nothing, " she giggled and moved to kiss my cheek before walking off. I sent a slap to her ass, watching it jiggle.

"Giovanni DaVinci!"

I chuckled as I walked behind her to get ready as well.

"What should I wear?" Aurielle asked as she shuffled through the pile of clothes in our closet.

Lust For Love (18+)Where stories live. Discover now