Hero Commission

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Izuku, Todoroki, and Kirishima entered the alleyway that contained the surface elevator. Aizawa was already there and was waiting with Nezu. Izuku rushed over and began touching the wall with his good hand.

Aizawa: "What's going on?"

Izuku: "Can't talk here. We need to get in."

Nezu then looked around and walked over to the wall.

Nezu: "Try here."

Izuku turned to see him pointing at a part of the wall. He walked over and touched it, revealing the keypad he was looking for. He quickly typed in a code.

Kirishima: "Whoa! Secret entrance? To where?"

Izuku: "The most technologically advanced facility in the world."

The elevator arrived and opened. Izuku and Aizawa stepped in first, the others followed. It then closed and began it's descent.

Todoroki: "What do you mean by 'the most technologically advanced'? I though Tartarus held that title."

Izuku scoffed.

Izuku: "Tartarus wished they had anything near this. The tech there just barely scratches the surface of what Aperture has created."

Nezu: "Ah, so this IS the fabled facility. The one you were held in for so many years?"

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "One and the same."

The elevator stopped and opened, revealing the chamber of GLaDOS' old body. Izuku quickly walked over to it.

Aizawa: "Izuku, doesn't that thing need an AI or something to pilot it?"

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "Usually. But this facility was originally built to be run and controlled by humans."

He reached up and pressed a button on the head. Across the chamber, a wall opened to reveal what looked to be a control room with a massive monitor on the other side.

Izuku: "And so was this body."

Aizawa followed Izuku over to the room and watched as Izuku began typing on a keyboard.

Aizawa: "You still haven't told us why we're here."

Izuku: "I know. G will."

The other walked over.

Kirishima: "But you said she's in danger man!"

Izuku: "I know, which is why we'll have to be fast."

Nezu: "Mr. Izuku, of I may ask, what's gotten you so riled up the GLaDOS can't take care of?"

Izuku turned and looked at the group before sighing.

Izuku: "I don't know much, but the Hero Public Safety Commission is after G. Whether that means eliminating her or making her their next black ops agent, I don't know."

Todoroki: "Wait, the HPSC has black ops agents?"

Izuku: "They're an organization made to keep every pro hero in Japan in check and are funded by the government. Of course they do."

He finished typing and a low humming sound began to fill their ears. All but Izuku looked over to where the sound was coming from, which was the elevator. Now there was a blue energy infront of the doors. Izuku then pressed another button and the elevator went back up. The group then walked back to the main area and Izuku closed the control room.

Aizawa: "What is that?"

Izuku: "The blue thing?"

Aizawa nodded.

Izuku: "That is the Aperture Science Material Emancipation Grill. It destroys any unauthorized Aperture technology, or with a few edits, government tracking devices."

As he said that, the elevator began to come back down and in it was GLaDOS in her hwro costume. When the doors opened and she stepped through the grill, about a hundred small devices stayed in the grill and disintegrated.

GLaDOS: "Good thinking with the grill Zu."

Izuku: "Thanks, now tell us what's going on."

She nodded and went over to her old body. She took the cord on her wrist device and plugged it in, awakening the body.

GLaDOS: "I now have full control of the Facility again. Activating turret assembly line."

Izuku: "Whoa whoa whoa. Why do we need the turrets!?"

GLaDOS: "Hopefully we won't, but I'm not taking chances."

She turned to the group.

GLaDOS: "Listen up. The Hero Public Safety Commission is on their way. As soon as my trackers were destroyed, they sent a signal to the Commission."

She pressed a few buttons on her wrist device to replace a few wall panels with monitors, all showing camera feeds of the outside. The alley was surrounded by Commission agents as well as a few heros.

GLaDOS: "I don't know how, but the Commission knew of the facility, knew of me, and unlike you all, deem me too big of a threat to live. This facility, as well as the cities it's under, may become a warzone. I hope we can resolve this peacefully but we must prepare for the worst."

Izuku: "Which would be?"

GLaDOS: "The Commission's other mission here, getting their hands on Aperture Science and it's technology. We cannot allow that, which is why I have taken measures to buy us time if things do get violent. But first, we need to fix that arm Izuku."

She tapped on her device a few more times and an elevator appeared. Izuku nodded and ran over to it.

Izuku: "I trust you G. Do what you need."

The elevator then descended. GLaDOS looked to the remaining group.

GLaDOS: "You don't need to stay. If you do and we survive, the Commission may hunt you down."

Aizawa: "I've seen this technology first hand last time I was here, the Commission shouldn't get their hands on any of it."

Nezu: "I trust Eraser's judgment, I'm with you."

Kirishima: "It wouldn't be manly to leave friends in need. You can count on me!"

Todoroki: "The old man wouldn't let the Commission kill me. I'll stay."

GLaDOS: "Then prepare for fight."

An explosion was heard above.

GLaDOS: "Cause they're prepared for war."

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