Aperture Assault

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GLaDOS: "Cause they're prepared for war."

Another explosion was heard, this one significantly closer. Aizawa turned to her.

Aizawa: "You're the boss here, what do we do?"

GLaDOS: "Go deeper into the facility. Use the configuration process to hide your movements."

Todoroki: "Configuration process?"

GLaDOS: "Yes. We'll see just how well the heros can perform in completely untested tracks."

She pressed a few more button on her device and four elevators appeared, one for each of them.

GLaDOS: "Take those elevators. They'll take you to different parts of the facility. If you follow the paths they leave you one, we'll all be able to meet up again. Go!"

The other three ran to their elevators while GLaDOS reached into her old body and ripped out a part. She quickly attached it to her wrist computer and ran to her elevator. As it descended, one last explosion went off which allowed heros and soldiers alike to enter the chamber. As they did, the wall panels began to move and go out of sight, revealing a large testing chamber built around the main chamber. She and Hawks made eye contact just before her elevator completely disappeared from view.

A soldier ran over to the number 3 hero.

Soldier: "Hawks sir! Did you see where they went?"

Hawks: "They're deeper inside."

He released a few feathers and tried to squeeze them through any gaps he could find, he had no such luck.

Hawks: "Looks like we're stuck here."

He looked around and spied a button.

Hawks: "Unless."

He walked over and pressed it, then next to him a cube fell. He then turned to the soldiers and heros that followed him inside.

Hawks: *Loudly* "Listen! We have to solve these puzzles! Anyone here with a quirk that can help us get out, do it! Everyone else is to work on the puzzles!"

Everyone acknowledged his orders and began on their assignments. Suddenly a call came through on his comms.

Hawks: "Hello?"

???: "Status report."

Hawks: "We're trapped in a test chamber. Most of the men are working on the puzzle. Others are attempting to break out."

???: "You can't break out of a chamber, it's made of blast resistant materials and moon dust composites. You must complete it to gain access to the rest of the facility."

Hawks: "Understood Madame President."

The call cut out and Hawks went back to giving orders. He didn't know how his boss knew so much, but if she was right, than this was too dangerous to give up.


GLaDOS stepped out of her elevator and into what looked to be an advanced operating room. On the table was Izuku was sitting up and moving his previously damaged arm.

GLaDOS: "All good?"

Izuku nodded and stood from the table.

Izuku: "Yeah, good as new. How's the situation up top?"

GLaDOS: "I've trapped the Commission's heros and soldiers in a large test chamber. It won't hold them for long. We need to go."

Izuku nodded and followed her through a door. She tapped on her device a few times while walking through multiple hallways until they came to a large open area of the facility. Pieces of test chambers were flying back and forth on rails and hundreds of testing materials were zooming through the clear tubes that lined the facility.

Izuku: "What's all this?"

GLaDOS: "At best, a way to buy time and eliminate a few of them. At worst, a simple waste of time. The large scale reconfiguration should keep us from view for the time being."

They came to a broken piece of walk way. GLaDOS lifted her hand and used her quirk on the nearby handrails do create a safe path to walk across which they then did.

Izuku: "So, where are we going?"

GLaDOS: "If all goes to plan, the first most secure area on Earth."

Izuku: "More secure than the facility? How?"

She smirked.

GLaDOS: "You'll see."

They reached another elevator and began to descend when they noticed heros begin to appear.

GLaDOS: "Shit. They got out faster than I thought."

She quickly tapped her device and a nearby test chamber opened, revealing a wall of turrets, all fully operational.

Turrets: "Hi? Target acquired. Firing."

The heros quickly took cover, though a few weren't lucky enough to escape.

Turrets: "Target lost. Searching."

Izuku looked to GLaDOS who had a guilty look on her face. Izuku stepped forward, gripped her hand, and gave her a smile when she looked up.

Izuku: "It's okay."

GLaDOS: "I know. I just wish there was another way. I didn't want to kill again."

Izuku: "We will find another way then. One that will make it so no more bloodshed will have to happen."

She gripped his hand and nodded.

GLaDOS: "Right."

The elevator stopped and they continued their journey forward.


In a dark room, a woman was sat in front of a computer, the only light coming from the monitor. She let out a sigh, her anger at her subordinates' incompetence leaving in one large breath. She couldn't blame them, they didn't know what they were getting themselves into. Only she did, only she knew who was to blame.

???: "GLaDOS."

She slammed her fist onto her desk, knocking over a picture frame. Quickly steadying herself, she carefully picked it up and setting it right. In the frame was a picture of a woman and a child. Both shared the green hair and eyes, but apart from that he resembled his father more.

???: "Soon baby. Soon we'll be together again."

She rubbed away a smudge on the glass near the boy's face.

???: "Soon, I promise."

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