A confession

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Y/n's POV:

We had a lot of fun yesterday. It felt nice to see Gorya enjoying. But I think she used up all her energy and now she's with a fever.

Next time, I should ask Kaning as well to come along . After all, I need her to meet Kavin.

Ah, first Gorya and Thyme and now Kavin and Kaning.
What am I, a guide for their love life or something.

??: Y/n!!

I turned towards the voice calling my name, and who could it be but none other than the F3.

Where is Ren?Why am I thinking of him? Was I expecting him or something.

Mj: Did you get home safely last night.

I nodded..

Thyme: That's nice. By the way, where is that little gangster. Um, I meant your sister.

Y/n: And why do you want to know, Mr. Thyme.

I said teasingly. Me and Kavin met eyes, and he understood what to do.

Y/n and Kavin: Oh, it can't be. Is something going on between you two or something.

Thyme: What...what.. nonsense...are you both spouting on about.

He shuttered, turning a slight red.

Y/n: Huh? Nonsense.. Why isn't my sister attractive.

Thyme: Attractive... Not in a million years. I wouldn't think about dating that Porya or Yorya, whatever her name is , even if she was the last person on earth.

Y/n: I never said anything about dating?

Hearing my words, he started walking in a hurry past me.

I shouted for him to hear, "By the way, you never know what's going to happen, but I do know you'll be a good brother-in-law, and my sister's name is Gorya."


Mj: Wow, what just happened.

Mj said, breaking the silence. Me and Kavin shrugged in reply.

Mj: By the way Y/n were you really serious there.

Y/n: I guess.

Mj: Really? Thyme for Gorya. Do you want chaos to rise.

Kavin: Ah, ah, aa.. You're wrong there. You're missing what me and Y/n are seeing.

Mj: And what am I exactly missing.

Kavin: Thyme's entranced by Gorya. She kicked him, remember. No one, I said no one, especially a woman other than Y/n, had stood before Thyme, confronting him for his wrongdoings.

Y/n: True. I guess that's why he is slowly falling in love with. You know there's a very fine line between love and hate.

Mj: You both are weird. I have heard of love at first sight but not love at first kick.

Kavin: It was weird for ... Ren, too?

I couldn't hear the last two words as Mj kicked Kavin, making him fall down.

Kavin: Could've kicked less harder.

Mj: Could've at least kept your mouth shut.

Y/n: What was that about?

Kavin and Mj: Nothing.

Then Kavin changed the topic. Weird, right..

Kavin: Y/n have you heard the news.

Y/n: What news?

Mj: Well, Mira is coming back.

Y/n: Oh, really..

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