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The bang the door made while closing woke Keith up. The darkness that filled the room became yellow beams burning Keith's eyes the moment Ryan switched the lights on.

"Oh, sorry. Did I woke you up?!"

The alpha said innocently. His lips smiling. But Keith didn't buy it. It didn't matter how much of a kind person his roommate is trying to be, he is still an alpha.

"It's alright. What time is it?"

"9 pm. When did you sleep?"

"3 pm I believe." Keith replied rubbing his eyes.

"You won't be able to sleep at night now can you?"

Keith clicked his tongue as he got out of bed. Annoyed, he made sure Ryan knows that.

White shirt, grey pants, black boxer, and a towel. He took out of his locker, leaving Ryan alone in their room.

Walking through the hallway making his way to the shared showers, boys at that time filled the space. Getting in his way fighting with squirt guns. Their screams and laughs echoed through the entire building. They where too loud he wanted to smack their mouths. Loud music coming from open rooms' doors made it even worse, a person can not even hear his own thoughts at their presence.

His headache ate up half of his head at that point. He thought he either got migraine or it might be caused by sleeping on the dorms hard pillow.

But the noise the students were making and pheromones they were emitting are the things that he was sure made the pain worsen.

It was as if he dived into a pool of pheromones.

His head was about to explode! He was sure.

So even before he made his way out of the hallway or get further from the crowd. He started banging his head on the wall. Repeatedly, and violently. Clothes in his hand fell on the floor. Eyes catched up to his action, then ears.

With all his might he threw his head to meet the wall, again and again.

All of a sudden everything got quieter, the pain got greater with every hit but when he stopped. Pain stopped too.

Like a robot he picked his clothes and walked slowly away from the boys who watched silently stunned at what the beta have just done to himself.

The pain came back, he realized. Under the shower. He touched his forehead where it hurts and it stung, feeling a pump in the middle.

"Hey beta! Squeeze some shampoo for me please."

Keith turned his head to the right to meet the taller guy. He looked him up and down to where his hand stretched ready for the shampoo.

By mistake his eyes fell on the private area of that man. Bulky penis was the last thing he wanted to see. Alphas' anatomy is disgusting.

"Fucking great."

He said squeezing whatever left in the bottle on the man's hand.



Was what he was thinking about.
The first thing he remembered waking up.
The only thing he was thinking of through the pain.
And while banging the wall.

Now Layle appeared on his soup.

In the cafeteria he sat alone. Staring blankly at the soup.

The spoon in his hand didn't move. Towel on his head didn't cover the few locks of hair falling on his forehead. Water drops a drop by drop from his hair right into the soup. Blurring Layle's face for seconds before becoming clear again.

For The Beta I Fell For (bl)Where stories live. Discover now