Cattle Drive

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Like yesterday, I started the day going on a run with Yasmina, but this time I stopped by the gym for a short session of weightlifting after; I didn't get her to join me, but she promised sometime this week she would. 'Runners... what can I say...'

I was halfway through a set when a loud ringing alarm came out of the speakers, which meant it was 8:00 a.m. and time for breakfast. I took a quick shower, but I was late either way. Everybody had already finished eating, well, everybody but Kenji who had a pile of pancakes still on his plate. 'How the hell does he look fit without even trying?' I huffed. 'Boys...' I quickly grabbed a toast, scramble eggs and a blueberry muffin, hoping I'd have time to eat before-

"Alright, campers! Listen up! Today is the day you get to see amazing dinos up close! What-what!" Dave cheered.

"So, let's move! We've got a whole day ahead of us!" Roxie announced, coaxing everyone to the elevator.

"Oh, man." I groaned, glancing down at my plate one last time before grabbing a muffing to go. Yasmina offered me a small smile in sympathy while we went down on the elevator.

Roxie and Dave drove us to an open grassland where there were four gyrospheres ready for us. Like yesterday, the sky was gray, but every now and then, the sun managed to shine through, lighting up the open field in front of us. In the distance, a herd of dinosaurs, probably the same from day one, was being guided by park's staff.

"Yes!" Darius jumped off the Jeep. "We get to drive gyrospheres? Cool!"

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Sammy joined in.

"Settle up dudes and dudettes!" Dave said, going around the group delivering earpieces. "We're going on a cattle drive, but... with dinosaurs! It's a dino drive!"

"And just to be clear, all these dinosaurs are herbivores, right?" Ben asked, cautiously.

"Well, they only chewed on the last kid a little, so we're like 99% sure they're cool." Roxie joked, while Ben looked like he was going to puke. "Park personnel are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing lands across the island and we get to ride along behind the herd."

"Are you kidding me?" Darius jumped in excitement. "Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam!"

"You may wanna consider a new jam, bro." Kenji suggested. "So, uh, you sure these things are waterproof?" Kenji walked towards Dave and Roxie, pointing at the dark sky. "Looking pretty grim out here and hair this awesome does not come easy." Kenji fixed his perfectly styled hair, to which I had to cough to disguise a scoff.

"Your hair is gonna be fine, Kenji." Dave sighed. "Storm has already moved up the coast from us."

"Cool! Time to show these fools what a gyrosphere master can do." Kenji bragged.

"No way! You are riding with Ben... as a passenger." Roxie turned Kenji around, nudging him towards Ben.

Kenji threw his arms up. "Seriously? But he's so, uh-"

Ben had already settled in his gyrosphere, but he bumped into the controls, making the thing jolt forward and he hit his head on the glass.

"Live it up, tough guy." Roxie said. So, Kenji and Ben were riding together, Brooklynn was by herself and I saw Sammy joining Yasmina's gyrosphere... poor girl.

"Everyone, seat belts at all times." Dave turned to me and Darius, the only ones that hadn't moved. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"So, Darius, who's driving?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"Uh- there are-" Dave counted. "Seven of you, and four gyrospheres, one's gonna go solo."

"Hayden." Roxie called, making me look at her. "I think it would be better for you to be riding alone this time. Are you alright with that?"

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