Escape from Isla Nublar

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200k words! Let's go!

Warnings: blood and violence.

The sunrise came and went, but no news on Ben and Darius. We had to leave the docks because the Scorpios was pacing around at the pier, with its eyes locked on our boat. So, we left, hoping it would leave too. And hoping Ben and Darius wouldn't cross paths with it.

Kenji was up in the cockpit and hadn't come down, even with the engine turned off. The last time I had seen him, he had stormed off after kissing me. After that, not even a word. Was he still angry about me asking him to leave with the boat? His silence seemed to point at that. On the other hand, it's good to know that he got ballsy when mad. My face got all hot for the hundredth time in the last minute, so I mentally shook myself, forcing myself to gaze at the shore that slowly passed by as the current dragged the boat.

I was sitting on the main deck, when Sammy slumped down next to me, too close for comfort. "So, are you guys' boyfriend and girlfriend now?" She asked, gripping my arm. "You are so cute together." She commented with glee.

"Um... we didn't really talk about it." I slowly squirmed away from Sammy.

"Too busy-" Brooklynn made kissing sounds.

I rolled my eyes. "No, he's just hiding out up there."

"And you're just hiding out down here." Yasmina commented.

I slid down on my chair, crossing my arms. Of course, she was right, but I wasn't going to tell her that. "Can we please stop talking about it and focus on the actual problem here? Ben and Darius are still on the island." I reminded them.

"Right." Brooklynn sighed and all or their faces fell.

"So, I guess one of us should go and talk to Kenji about turning this thing around." Yasmina stared straight at me, but I felt a sudden urge to examine a lock of my hair up close. ' Wow, no split ends. ' "Fine." She groaned, turning around and going up the stairs.

"Do you think they're okay?" Sammy asked.

"Dino-nerd and Jungle-boy?" I chuckled. "I couldn't think of a better duo."


Kenji guided the yacht back to the pier, docking it smoothly this time. The place was deserted, no Scorpios, no Ben and no Darius. I got off the boat first, glancing up to the sky while I did it. More dark clouds had filled the sky, the few patches where we could see the light blue were slowly disappearing.

Everybody joined me, even Kenji. I took the lead, using that so I could stay in front of the group and not have to look at a certain someone. I could feel eyes on the back of my neck, but I fought the urge to meet them.

We slowly made our way up the ramp that connected the pier with the rest of the dock. Waiting for any indication that we weren't alone, for a pair of creepy red eyes, deadly quills or ragged teeth. Instead, we were met with a huge spiked tail coming our way.

We yelped, backing up quickly. A huge herbivore bellowed, waving its spiky tail calmly in the air.

"Stego- fucking -saurus." I groaned with my hand on my chest.

"No Scorpios." Brooklynn whispered as the dinosaur walked away.

"Yet." Yasmina said.

Sammy walked up the rest of the ramp, halting in place. "Oh my gosh! Guys!"

We ran the last steps up the ramp and saw what had frightened her. There was a wrecked limo propped up on a tree.

"Oh, no." Brooklynn whispered. "Darius and Ben."

Assets Out of Containment |1| Nublar Seven SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin