End of the Line

190 14 4

Warnings: injuries, mention of blood, negative thoughts, self-blaming.

My body inched forward, desperately trying to reach for his hand, but Ben had already disappeared into the night, with Pteranodons diving right after him. His name died on my lips as my eyes darted everywhere, looking for any sign of him, but the monorail was just too fast. But I couldn't stop. I kept reaching for him, feeling gravity pulling me towards him, until I started to fall too.

Hands wrapped around my waist and hauled me back inside. 'He's gone... Ben is gone...' The hands let go of me and I backed up until my back hit something solid. Something cold.

I could only stare at the shattered window, the wind rushing by, the Pteranodons going in and out of view. Then, my eyes lowered to my hands, just a second earlier, I was holding onto Ben's; and now he was gone. I had let him slip. Now, the only thing there was left was the crimson imprint of a desperate hand against my own, staining my skin with bright red blood.

Bumpy approached the opened window and looked down, searching for Ben. She groaned in sadness when she didn't find him. The baby Ankylo walked over to me, looking at me with her big sad eyes. I tried to speak, to comfort the little dino somehow, but the words got caught on my throat and the only thing I could do was pull her closer for a hug.

"He's gone. He's... gone." Yasmina whispered.

"I won't believe it!" Sammy shouted. She rushed to the window, with tears rolling down her face.

"Sammy!" Yasmina stopped her from getting too close.

I was still holding onto Bumpy when I noticed my face wet. I didn't even realize I was crying. I angrily wiped them with the back of my hand, for sure leaving a red smudge there too. It was my fault he was gone; I didn't get the luxury to cry right now. I should've fallen with him, maybe then I would be able to help him somehow.

Kenji fell on his knees next to me. "Shit! Your arm, Hays!"

'Oh, right. My arm.' So, that's where all the blood had come from. Weirdly, I didn't feel it at all. I could only feel my arm wet from the blood, which now started to stain my clothes too. It was the blood that didn't let me hold on. That led to Ben falling....

'So stupid.' I rubbed my palms against my shirt. 'Get off!' But the sticky red blood wouldn't leave my skin, with more of it trickling down my arm by the moment.

"I saw a first aid kit somewhere in the back car!" Brooklynn disappeared through the door.

"Hays-" Kenji said softly, placing his hand on my shoulder. I know that hand was meant to comfort me, but I didn't deserve that.

"It's Hayden." I slapped his hand off me and hastily stood up. "And I don't give a fuck about my arm! Ben is gone!" I yelled at them, not even bothering to hide my tears anymore. "And you guys just- just stood there, while..." while Ben slipped from my grip... my hands...

Darius and Yasmina looked down in shame, while Kenji just stood, mouth hanging open in shock.

"It all just happened too fast." Sammy sobbed. She was a mess; face all red, bawling her eyes out. I was sure I looked even worse, but I didn't care anymore.

I grunted in frustration, punching the closest wall and leaving behind a dent and a bloody fist mark.

'This isn't their fault.' I shook my lowered head. 'I'm the one who failed him.' Even if Ben had survived the fall, and that was a big 'if', he still had dinosaurs chasing him.

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