Nublar Seven

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The sun was high in the sky. I enjoyed the warmth against my skin, ridding me of the lingering coldness from my dreams. Even if I had no trouble falling asleep, my sleep was restless. I woke up several times in the night, always the same dream where I ended up on the bottom of the ocean.

"Sleep well?" Kenji asked as I joined them in the main deck for breakfast.

"Yeah." I lied, but my smile was genuine, remembering how he had stayed by my side until I fell asleep last night.

"You look better." Brooklynn scooted over for me to sit next to her.

"Thanks." I mumbled. Well, I didn't feel better. I'm pretty sure she was lying. My head was throbbing and I couldn't move that fast without getting dizzy. Also, I couldn't move fast at all because of my leg, the dull pain coming back every time I moved. "So, do you have any more of those pills by any chance?"

"Yaz told me not to give you any..." Brooklynn glanced at the girl, warily.

"How considerate." I gave Yasmina a death stare, but she remained unfazed. "So, what's for breakfast?" I asked, giving up.

"Nublar berries with a side of canned pineapple." Sammy opened up a bright smile.

"And now, for the main course..." Ben showed up with a plate over his head. "...the plumest and the juiciest..." All of us were on the edge of our seats. "...Nublar grubs!" He laid the plate, full of slimy white larvae in front of us.

"Ew." A collective groan and sounds of puking went around the table.

"Hand-selected by yours truly." He grabbed one of the grubs as it squirmed between his fingers. "Thank you for your sacrifice." Ben put the whole thing in his mouth, munching.

I turned my face away immediately, feeling my stomach doing somersaults.

"Come on." Yasmina groaned, putting her hands over her face.

"Do you have to do that here?" Darius complained.

Ben licked his fingers, offering the plate to us.

"Well, I guess the least I can do is keep an open mind." Sammy hesitantly took one grub. She got it really close to her opened mouth, watching it as it moved, its slime dripping to the floor. Our eyes were fixed on Sammy as she was about to take a bite. "Uh-uh." She gulped, throwing the grub away.

Yasmina screamed as the thing landed on her head, she slapped it across the table, now landing on Darius' nose. He panicked, too afraid to touch it with his hands.

Ben shrugged. "How you all survived, I'll never know." He took the grub and tossed it into his mouth like it was a french fry. Suddenly, the berries on my plate didn't look very appetizing.

"Okay." Sammy side-eyed the plate of grubs. "No tears or goodbyes until we're sitting on the plane, but can I just say, look at us." She smiled. "We started as campers, and now, we're-"

"Immortal?" Ben asked.

"Survivors?" Brooklynn offered.

"Exhausted." Kenji took a bite from a berry.

"Sore?" I chuckled.

"I was gonna say soulmates." Sammy finished, earning a glance from Yasmina.

"Still doesn't feel real." Darius sighed. "We finally are going home. Go us!" He punched the air.

I refrained from commenting something sarcastic. 'Like something terrible never happens when we say that.' I sighed.

'Maybe something terrible has already happened.' A voice said in my head, and this time I agreed with the voice. 'And it could've been avoided...' I noticed Kenji staring at Darius, his eyes reflecting my own thoughts.

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