Supply Run

115 7 2

Warnings: mention of dinosaur death, negative thoughts.

"No, no, help!" Blood curdling screams filled the night. "Hayden!" Ben called my name, his hand reaching out.

"Ben!" I tried to hold onto him.

A shadow crossed my view and with a blink of an eye, he was gone. Ben was gone.

"Ben!" I choked; arms out stretched in the darkness.

"Hayden! Hayden, please help!" He called for me, but I couldn't find him. I couldn't reach him.

My eyes shot opened to see Sammy standing there, tapping on my shoulder to wake me up.

"It's your turn." She said with a tired voice.

"M'kay." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the memory of my latest dream. But I could still see Ben reaching desperately for me. The image still fresh from my nightmare. The desperate screams that I couldn't get out of my head, calling my name over and over again.

I mentally shook myself and sat up, looking around. Sammy was already fast asleep next to me and the rest of the campers were sprawled out in the grass. I noticed the fire was dying down so I tossed a few dry branches to keep it going.

Rebuilding camp was taking way longer than I thought it would. Several days had passed and we we're still working on the base of the structure. Our first attempt had collapsed, but what we had going on now seemed stable enough.

It was surprising what we had found in good conditions in the wreck. An entire couch, the T. rex skeleton, cupboards, mattresses and pillows, even the ping-pong table was in one piece. I really was hoping for our luggage, but no such luck. Although, Darius did find his necklace in the middle of all the debris, turns out it was a Velociraptor tooth. Pretty cool.

I was bored doing nothing all day, but because I was finally able to rest properly, my back pain had scaled down to 'just annoying' and the cut on my arm was looking way better. It didn't reopen; it was finally beginning to heal and the pain was practically nonexistent if I didn't move it too much. Yasmina was also looking a lot better; she could even walk on her ankle again.

And all the food from the Dinosaur Healing Station was a god send. Although it was hard to open canned food without proper utensils, we made it work, using rocks and Kenji's butter knife. But our stock of frozen pizza and canned fruit decreased fast, so after a lot of persuasion, I got to do some supply runs close by. I had dried out the near Healing Station, so I mapped our surroundings. The jungle went on forever to east and north, and I didn't dare to enter where the jungle turned denser, but if we headed south, there was Main Street right after some grasslands.

I had adventured down there by myself a few times without them knowing, but I only observed Rexy from afar. Her routine had become more regular than the last time we had seen her. She usually left in the morning and returned by sundown, luckily, she liked to hunt on the south of the island, away from us.

Although I was supposed to be scouting for food, I couldn't help but search in bushes and behind every tree, looking for a certain little green dino. I hadn't seen any trace of Bumpy, or any other Ankylosaurus for that matter; they must've been herding far away from camp. Hopefully, she had joined the others of her kind and wasn't all alone.


The sky was showing some shades of light blue and orange. The sun was coming up. I let the fire die down and when the sun started to get high up in the sky, then I went around waking everybody up.

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