Rocky Start

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Okay, so this is not season three yet. The next 9 chapters (yes, nine, I went a bit overboard) will cover the time jump between season two and three. There's a lot to unpack in the time jump since it is basically six freaking months... I'll focus more on the characters and their relationships, with the appearance of a couple of new dinos as they attempt to go home... have fun!

"Alright, camp fam!" Sammy excitedly jumped around the dock. "What's the next step?"

"Sleep." Kenji threw both of his arms in the air, which turned into a stretch. "I'm beat."

"Yeah, we haven't had any rest since we met Mitch and Tiff." I pointed out.

"Wasn't that yesterday?" Sammy asked.

"More like two days ago." Brooklynn stated.

"Oh, man." Yasmina yawned. "Seems like forever ago."

"Then it's settled." Darius said. "We'll go back to camp and tomorrow we'll find a way to get off the island."

"I call the bike!" Kenji raised his hand. "I'm not riding back on top of a dino." He gave Bumpy the side-eye.

"Hey! You'll hurt her feelings." Ben complained, hugging Bumpy's head.

"Aw, Bumpy ain't that bad of a ride, it's just a bit spiky on the bum, that's all." Sammy smiled.

"Pass." Kenji mumbled, holding his behind.

"Where's the car?" I frowned at Yasmina. "We had a car didn't we?"

"We lost it." She shrugged.

"How do you lose a car?"

"Turns out Jurassic World doesn't have reliable vehicles, 'cause why would they?"

"And there was the T. rex." Ben nodded along.

"Uh, great... so I call shotgun on the bike." I turned to Kenji. "I'm not trusting you with anything with wheels."

"Hey! I got here just fine." Kenji crossed his arms in defiance.

"At, like, 2 miles per hour." Yasmina pinched in, making Kenji pout and everybody laugh at him.

After cracking up a laugh, Darius, Sammy and Yasmina ended up joining Ben with Bumpy, while Brooklynn, Kenji and I squeezed on top of the motorcycle.

I revved the engine just to show off and skid the tires on the dirt road, smiling as I accelerated.

"Try to keep up, slowpoke!" Brooklynn yelled as we passed Bumpy.

It was a good feeling being able to go this fast just for fun and not because we were running for our lives. The wind hitting my face, making me squint to keep my eyes open, and having company on the back wasn't that bad either. I pushed the bike to go even faster, and Kenji tightened his grip on my waist, making me laugh out loud. 'He was such a scaredy cat.'

"Whoa!" Brooklynn giggled as we passed a particularly big rise on the road, fast enough to make our stomachs drop as it did on rollercoasters.

"I can get used to this." I thought out loud, feeling the wind in my face.

We were going so fast that it didn't take even fifteen minutes for us to reach camp. I parked next to the slide and we jumped off the motorcycle.

"My bed!" Kenji quickly climbed up the stairs. "Oh, how I've missed you!"

Brooklynn and I just exchanged a glance and rolled our eyes, following him up there. We didn't even wait for the rest of the campers to arrive; we each went straight to bed. Tomorrow we would worry about the whole 'going home' situation.

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