Stay on Mission

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The campers find out that 'whatever it takes' has consequences.

Warnings: blood, violence, injuries, anxiety.




That loud noise was all that I could hear. It was dark and cold, but the rhythmical clanging was somewhat comforting, it was something to hold on to. It was like my own heartbeat in the darkness.

"Hays?" I heard someone call my name. That high pitch voice was familiar, that I knew, but I couldn't quite point a finger to it.

The cold floor was the next thing I remembered, sucking the warmth off me. Then was the pain: a splitting headache that made the previous slumber feel evermore welcoming. But I couldn't, something with that voice told me to wake up.

My eyes fluttered open, and that voice called for me again. I was laying on my side on a cold concrete floor, my hands in front of my face were doubled, so I blinked a few times, until I had a normal amount of hands. There was something soft and pink under my head, a jacket. Pink? Brooklynn? I looked up to see her sitting next to me with a concerned frown.

"How are you feeling?" She asked softly.

"Great." I mumbled, sitting up, ignoring the way the place spun. I had my back against a metal pipe that lined up the whole wall of the hallway that led to Wu's lab. Speaking of which, the man in the white coat was standing a few meters away with one of his goons, the guy with the black cap who had a flashlight illuminating the place. "What's going on?" I asked Brooklynn, my voice hoarse.

"Hawkes and his mercenary buddy went after Darius and Yasmina." She explained. "Judging by how long they've been out, they either got lost or were eaten by dinosaurs." She glanced at the mercenary in here with us, but he didn't waver and remained in a stoic stance. "I'm hoping for the latter."

"Good." I let out a harsh breath.


So, Brooklynn was the one doing the noise! She had Dr. Wu's umbrella in her hands and was hitting it against the pipes behind us. Again, and again.

"Must you continue doing that?" Dr. Wu asked impatiently.

"Doing what, Doc?" Brooklynn said, innocently. "This?" She hit the pipe again. "This?" CLANK. "This?" CLANK.

Wu pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. "It's quite annoying and it's 'Doctor'." I couldn't help but smirk at his annoyance.

Brooklynn stood up. "Well, maybe I'll stop doing this..." CLANK." "...Doctor..." CLANK." "...when you stop making dino monsters." She continued her assault on the pipes.

From the darkness of the tunnel, Hawkes emerged alone, walking past Wu and brushing against his shoulder.

"Reed?" The cap guy asked and Hawkes shook his head. CLANK.

"The laptop?" Wu asked, eager.

Hawkes let out an annoying sigh. "Not yet." CLANK.

' They got away! ' A smile grew on my face, but I was sure to keep it discreet.

Brooklynn made one last attempt at the pipes, but Hawkes caught the umbrella mid-swing with one hand, and with the other, he grabbed Brooklynn by her red shirt, pulling her up.

"Do you ever stay silent?" He barked, his eyes twitching.

I got up in a flash. "Don't touch her!" I warned, but I mustn't have seemed that threatening leaning on the wall from the dizziness, because he laughed at my face.

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