The Long Run

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Warnings: injuries, anxiety.

"Sammy!" Yasmina called her name as she held the girl in her arms. "Sammy!"

"Somebody get some bandages!" Darius cried.

"Sammy, everything is gonna be okay." Yasmina said. She guided Sammy under the camp structure, where she'd be protected from rain.

"Here, put this under her head." Ben gave Yasmina a cloth to use as a pillow.

"Come on." Brooklynn pulled me by the arm. We rushed upstairs and I watched as Brooklynn rummaged through our crates. "Here it is." She tossed me rolls and rolls of bandages. We hurried back to Sammy, who was looking paler by the second.

"Sammy. Sammy, please wake up." Yasmina pleaded.

"Yaz! The quills are poisonous. We gotta take them out of her." Brooklynn kneeled by them.

Sammy was going in and out of consciousness, moaning in pain. Yasmina had her face twisted with worry, glancing down at her best friend.

"This is gonna hurt. I'm sorry." Yasmina said with tears in her eyes.

"On my count." Brooklynn readied herself, hovering her hands over the quills poking Sammy's stomach. Yasmina nodded and did the same, while I ripped a big piece of the bandages. "One, two, three!" Brooklynn counted and they removed the quills in one swift motion. Sammy let out a blood curdling scream that made all of us wince.

"Hayden!" Brooklynn called.

"On it." I pressed the bandages against her stomach, making Sammy moan again. "Sorry, Sammy." I mumbled.

"Sammy? Sammy?" Yasmina hovered over Sammy's face, trying to keep her awake. "Sammy!" She finally went limp again and her breathing eased up.

Brooklynn took over with the bandage, and it turned out there wasn't much bleeding. But she still wasn't waking up. Was it too late? Had the poison taken effect? There was nothing we could do but watch as she laid on the ground. Watch as Yasmina held her hand and cried softly. Watch as the rain fell, soaking us to the bone.

Sammy shivered and moaned in her state, letting us know that she was still alive. What was the point of us surviving our encounter with the Scorpios just so Sammy could die in the aftermath? Why did we survive, though? It didn't make sense to me. Why would it give up on us and run away to chase shadows in the jungle? Nothing about this hybrid was logical. And that scared me even more.

Yasmina's whimpers brought me back to the situation in hand. "Sammy, we're here." She softly stroked Sammy's hair. "Everything is gonna be okay." She said, tears rolling down her face.

"Taking out the quills wasn't enough." Darius mumbled. "The poison is already in her system. She needs an antidote."

Kenji scoffed. "Oh, sure, yeah, and antidote. That'll be easy to find, considering no one even knew this thing existed." He wrapped his arms around himself.

"Maybe the medical supply station has something?" Ben pitched in.

"I doubt it." I shook my head, too tired to say anything else.

"Kenji's right." Darius sighed. "The Scorpios rex wasn't supposed to ever get out."

Brooklynn gasped. "The video on Wu's old lab! He was attacked by the Scorpios, and they were giving him this shot from a red vial." She paced around. "I think they said antidote, I'm not-"

"Where is this lab?" Yasmina suddenly grabbed Brooklynn by the shoulders.

She pulled a map from her pocket and gave it to Yasmina. "Near the Raptor paddock."

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