Safe Harbor

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The sun had begun to show itself in the night sky when we left camp. It was a long walk back to the yacht, but we were ready, swimsuits under our clothes to swim and weapons in hand if we encountered any dinosaur, or worse, Tiff.

Ben was the only one that chose not to wear a swimsuit, instead he just had his normal ragged clothes on. Kenji and Darius both had board shorts, while the girls had variations between bikinis and mayos. I had that same obnoxious blue bikini from the kayak test, doing my best to keep my eyes away from Kenji and his black board shorts.

We walked barefoot on the rocky shore, and the yacht was at the same place as yesterday. I shivered with the cold ocean breeze and wrapped my arms around myself.

"Stay sharp." Darius said. "For all we know, Tiff is still in there."

We nodded along and carefully entered the water. The sea was calm, not many waves to disturb our advance, however the water was freezing, making my chin quiver. We quietly boarded the yacht from the stern, leaving puddles of water on the luxurious wooden floor.

The boat was quiet, oddly quiet. We divided our group to search the yacht. I went with Brooklynn to check the main deck, while the others inspected the rest all while not making a sound.

Brooklynn and I walked through a hallway with big black glass windows, we tried to see inside, but it was too dark. I glanced at the floor and halted in place, grabbing Brooklynn's arm. She stopped and frowned her brows at me, so I pointed at the claw marks on the wood. She gasped, widening her gaze. We carefully walked past the markings and into the main deck at the bow of the boat, only to find it... empty.

"No sign of anyone." Ben commented from the other side of the deck.

"Or anything." Brooklynn said.

"Looks like Tiff had some unwanted visitors, though." I glanced back at the claw markings.

We made our way to the upper decks, and the closer we got to the central cockpit, the more claw marks we saw. The cockpit was in terrible condition, the glass surrounding it was all shattered, the control panel had exposed wires and broken monitors, with pieces of equipment scattered all over the floor. The place where the captain's seat was supposed to be was empty, just the scraps of a structure were nailed to the floor.

However, that wasn't the worst. With the claw marks, there was dry blood spattered everywhere, on the floor, on the walls and on the control panel. No sign of a body, though.

Darius and Sammy were already at the cockpit, inspecting the panel.

"It's almost out of gas." Darius said as we tip-toed around the stains of blood and glass.

"Are you sure?" Sammy asked. "Did you tap it? They always tap it." She tapped at something on the panel and frowned. "Huh? Well, now we're really sure."

"So, we've got a boat. We just can't use the boat." Ben said.

"Okay." Darius left the cockpit and we followed. "The northwest dock is just around that bend." He pointed at the shore and we made our way back to the first floor. "If we can somehow make it there, maybe we can find more gas and whatever else we need to get us off the island."

We found Yasmina waiting for us by the ladder, but Kenji was nowhere in sight. Suddenly the door handle that led to the inner quarters started to rattle, as if something was struggling to open. To get out.

Darius and Brooklynn gasped at the noise, backing away from the door. Yasmina elbowed me lightly and pointed at the door with her chin, smirking. I narrowed my gaze at the door, it was oddly suspicious that we had cleared the whole boat and Kenji had pulled a disappearing act now.

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