Whatever it Takes

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"Attention, return to the dock and cut the engine immediately." The female voice said from the helicopter.

I squinted against the light on my face. "What the-"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Kenji threw his arms in the air. "We're saved!"

"Are we?" Darius asked from below, but Kenji didn't waste any time, running back to the cockpit. "Wait, Kenji!" Darius exclaimed.

I followed Kenji back inside. He had his hands over the lever, accelerating, so I put my hand over his, pulling the thing back to the 'stop' position.

"Hey." He protested.

But I didn't remove my hand. "Don't you remember about the last time we thought we were saved?" I argued. "How are we going to be sure they aren't like Mitch and Tiff?"

"Yeah." Darius said, barging in the cockpit with everyone else at his toes. "I'm not exactly getting good guy vibes, Kenji."

"Unmarked choppers, big, scary guns..." Yasmina trailed off.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kenji turned to her, crossing his arms. "What would you bring to rescue kids from an island full of killer dinosaurs? Cake?" He exasperated.

"He's got a point." Ben said. A lightning cracked in the storm, illuminating the waves that were rocking our boat.

"The sea is pretty rough." Sammy pointed out.

"All right then." Darius took a deep breath. "We take our chances with the people in the helicopter?" He glanced around our circle, where he was met with nods.

"Agreed, but let's not lower our guard." I said, stepping away from the controls.

Darius' confident face faltered for a second, but he swiftly recovered. "Let's do this."

Kenji took control of the boat again, bringing us to the pier. With the yacht properly docked, we watched as the helicopter circled us one more time, and then landed up the docks. We rushed to it, our hands covering our faces as fat raindrops assaulted us.

A guy, in whole military attire, was waiting for us by the helicopter. "What are you kids doing out here?" He yelled over the noise. He held a rifle with one hand, and with the other he helped Ben board the chopper.

"Long story!" Sammy said, as she too, accepted help. "Too long."

"Way too long!" Kenji chuckled, as he was the next one to join them inside the chopper.

"Wait, if you're not here to rescue us, then why are you here?" Ben asked, already strapped in the helicopter seat.

I was eager to get an answer, but we were interrupted by the ground shaking rhythmically, as a big predator was making its way to us. We froze as the full might of the T. rex emerged from the trees, and as soon as her eyes landed on the helicopter, she roared fiercely, louder than the rain and chopper combined, sending shivers down my spine. The helicopter engine picked up power, and the pilot raised the machine up in the air. We, joined by the military dude, all ducked away from the rotating blades, helplessly watching as Rexy charged towards the helicopter, closing her teeth on the landing skids. Then, it was a tug of war as the T. rex pulled, flinging the helicopter in the sky.

Our screams were muffled by the chopping noises of the blades, as we watched a violent tug made Sammy lose her balance and lean dangerously close to the open doors. Thankfully, Kenji was quick to hold her by the hand, keeping her from falling straight to the T. rex's teeth. And with one last veering from the helicopter, the dinosaur let go.

Rexy stared down the chopper as it hovered in the air, out of range.

"Wait! Stop!" Military guy yelled, running at the chopper, totally disregarding the dinosaur he just ran past.

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