Hell's Garage

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I had to complicate their life a little more, otherwise there is no fun.

Warnings: violence, blood, gore, anxiety.

With one last glance at Brooklynn laying on the bed, I got up and went to join them on the deck.

"See the hat, junior?" Kenji fixed his captain hat. "That means I'm in charge." Darius chuckled, rolling his eyes. "So, all aboard the meeting boat!"

"Good news is, we have fuel." Darius said.

"Bad news, it's not enough." Yasmina sighed. "We only have what's left on the limo, the Monos got in the way of the rest."

Ben raised two fingers up. "Second good news, we also found sealant."

"Bad bad news y'all, it's in the garage along with the rest of the fuel." Sammy had her hands on her head.

I nodded. "...and the dinosaurs."

"We really tried to get it all, but-"

"Dinosaurs." Kenji concluded.

"We almost didn't make it out." Yasmina sighed.

"We really need this stuff, guys." Darius pressed.

"Not to mention the third bad news." Sammy glanced inside the yacht.

"She'll pull through." Darius sounded confident.

I sighed. "Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it, she needs rest and we need to get our fuel and sealant."

"We need a plan." Darius paced around.

"We need a distraction." I stated. "It's the only way we get close to that garage."

Darius suddenly halted in place, turning to face Ben. "Can you and Bumpy draw their attention away from the garage? The rest of us can sneak in and grab what we need."

"Sure." Ben nodded.

"That's a good plan." Kenji nodded.

I frowned. 'That isn't going to work at all.'

I crossed my arms at Darius. "Except that the Monos sneaked past Bumpy when she was guarding the door. They didn't attack her, they avoided her. So, probably they are one of those dinos that go for the weakest of the herd, right, dino-nerd?" I didn't really give him time to answer, I knew I was right. "Big Bumpercar here is too much of a threat for them, but they'll follow us . So, two of us should be the distraction while the rest of us go for the garage. Oh, of course someone should stay back with Brooklynn."

"That's- that's a better plan." Kenji stuttered, glancing at Darius.

Darius crossed his arms back at me. "We don't know that. Bumpy's not even a full grown Ankylosaurus."

I narrowed my eyes. "Don't underestimate her, the Monos for sure didn't." By now, all eyes were on Darius and me, watching us go back and forth.

'Why is he being so difficult?'

"Hear that, Bumps?" Ben yelled at the dinosaur on the pier, who raised her head, curious. "You make those Monos cower in fear. You're amazing, girl!"

Darius shook his head. "They were probably inside the building all along."

I snickered. "Then how did we climb all the way to the penthouse without being attacked? We weren't exactly discreet."

"Yeah, we were as loud as a rooster sayin' good mornin'." Sammy said.

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