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This one I've been looking forward to putting out since day one and it's finally here.
AAAH OKAY, okay, so there's some fluff, some wholesome moments, other more steamy cause Kayden deserves it, but there is some pretty dark shit too... so get ready.

My first draft of this chapter was 13k words long, so I had to split it with the next one. I hope almost 10k is not that long lol

This chapter was kinda inspired by Avalanche – Avril Lavigne

Warnings: injuries, anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks, slight nonconsensual (but is not what you think).

My head bobbed up and down; my cheek was resting against something hard and warm. The air was filled with the smell of sweat and copper.

There was the sound of sticks and leaves being crushed under someone's feet...

A hushed whisper...

Loud breathing...

I felt weird, disconnected almost.

Then the pain set in. Blazing hot. Throbbing. Incessantly. I heard a choked cry but could quite point out its source.

"Sorry." A voice mumbled from under me. Kenji. That was Kenji.

I didn't open my eyes, but I became aware of how his hands wrapped around my legs, holding me on his back as my arms hung around his neck. I couldn't feel my hands, though. 'Weird.'

I felt a dull ache coming from my leg, along with something wet. 'Why is my left sock wet? I hate wet socks.'

"We're almost there." Kenji said softly.

I took his word for it, wherever 'there' was, and I just let myself be rocked by Kenji's steps, the heat coming from his body was almost comforting among the pain. Almost. The right side of my face burned hot, like a blazing poker was carved in my temple and someone lit up the sun right in front of my closed eyelids. So, I pressed my head against Kenji's shoulder, and let the sweet and painless unconsciousness take me back.


The first thing I noticed when I came to, were the sheets against my skin and the soft mattress under me. I did a mental check of my body, my head felt cold... no, wet, my hair was wet, like I had just taken a shower. There was something wrapping my whole left thigh and a weird pressure on the right side of my face. It hurt to breathe and my chest was stiff, like it was working overtime to draw in oxygen. My mouth felt dry and my throat was burning hot, matching the piercing headache.

My eyes took time to adjust to the room around me, focusing on the several eyes watching me.

"Hey." My voice came out hoarse, scratching my throat.

"Hays!" Brooklynn's face lit up.

Sammy gasped, gripping on Yasmina's arm. "I'm so glad that you're up."

"How are you feeling?" Kenji was at my side, holding my hand. I glanced around the crowded bedroom back at the boat; it looked to be nighttime and the room was dark, only with a few candles to light it, which I appreciated.

Sammy and Yasmina stood on the foot of the bed, Kenji was at one side of me, while Brooklynn was at the other, close to Ben and Darius, who were standing on the doorway. All of them had looks varying from concern to relief.

"Still breathing... so, fine?" I gave him a weak smile. My hand went to the side of my face, where a bunch of gauze was taped to my right temple. It stung when I touched it, so I left it be. I frowned at a redness around my wrists... right, the zip ties. And on my upper arm, more bandages concealed the gash made by the Scorpios.

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