Athea Deters

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(Emily's pov)

I stepped off the carriages and looked at the odd horses one last time before walking into the Entrance Hall.It was packed with people and a girl in Hufflepuff robes approached me.

"You're so brave"she said.She wrapped her arms around me in an embrace and I awkwardly patted her back.She pulled back with a soft smile.

"Eh,Thanks...Jones"I said in a odd voice,remembering Megan Jones from Herebology.She skipped off and I looked at her bewildered.Why exactly was I so brave?

I soon found out though as a mean-looking Slytherin past me.

"Have a nice stay in Azkaban Black?Maybe you got the same cell as your father"he jeered and I glared at him,wanting so badly to hex him. 'Happy thoughts,happy thoughts' I thought to myself as I walked to the door but just as I was about to enter I was stopped.

"Emily come with me"Sev said coldly and I followed him around the corner where he stopped.He took something out of his robes and threw it at my feet.

'Emily Black's visit to Azkaban' the headline said.It then preceded to tell everyone why I was put in there and that I was released on bail.

'What if she murders again?' said a ministry official 'She's unstable she is' but she has an alibi for Cedric Diggory's time of death.So are the ministry trying to frame her?'

I looked down shocked and then realised that it wasn't the Daily Prophet.It wasn't the ministry who made my trip to Azkaban public but Athea Deters.I had never heard of her.Was Athea even a name?

"Who's Athea Deters?"I asked.

"Look closely at the letters Emily.I'll leave you time to figure it out.We'll be late for the feast"he said.

Athea Deters?Athea Deters?Nope it didn't ring a bell at all.

I walked into the Hall behind Sev and quickly made my way towards the Gryffindor table,well aware of the stares and whispers around me.

I sat down in between Fred and George and opposite Cece.

"You okay?"George whispered and I nodded.

"Who's she?"I asked,referring to the woman in pink.She was squat,with short, curly, mouse-brown hair in which she had placed a horrible pink Alice band that matched the fluffy pink cardigan she wore over her robes. She turned to face me and I saw that she looked identical to a toad.Actually that was insulting to toads.

I was about to speak again but the first years came in and the hat began to sing.

In times of old when I was new.And Hogwarts barely started.The founders of our noble school.Thought never to be parted:

United by a common goal,They had the selfsame yearning,To make the world's best magic school.And pass along their learning.

'Together we will build and teach!' The four good friends decided.And never did they dream that theyMight some day be divided,For were there such friends anywhere As Slytherin and Gryffindor?Unless it was the second pair Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?

So how could it have gone so wrong?
How could such friendships fail?Why, I was there and so can tell.The whole sad, sorry tale.

Said Slytherin, 'We'll teach just those
Whose ancestry is purest.'
Said Ravenclaw, 'We'll teach those whose Intelligence is surest'
Said Gryffindor, 'We'll teach all those
With brave deeds to their name, '
Said Hufflepuff, 'I'll teach the lot,
And treat them just the same. '

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