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The two hell spirits travel through the sky and then May makes a spell using her scythe, creating a portal that teleports them into a location May wanted to go with Filimena. The portal soon teleports them into the right place as now they face in the yellow and orange sky of beauty. The atmosphere, the buildings, and all fashion speaks of sweet as honey, and royalty like a queen bee. The place was filled with honey comb buildings, and palm trees, even a bunch of imps and hellhounds were around the blocks. Filimena looks down at the scenery of everything, se was amazed that she hasn't seen this part of Hell, given she mostly goes to Lust all because of Asmodeus and how she was created to be inspired there. May looks around, and spotted something in the distance, she drags Fei's hand to float faster.

"This way, I know where to go!" 

The headed straight for a huge house that had many honey combs, almost resembles a bee hive, and there were loads of people there. Filimena sees most of them were imps and hellhounds, and she's not use to it a whole lot, not always a public person mostly. May and Fei landed and head straight inside through the door.

"Feast your eyes, because this will be the best one you've been in today!"

May announced as she pushed her upfront, to let her see the front view. She saw a lot of beings chatting and dancing while feasting onto delicious and addicting food that was served. The colors and all the visuals were extraordinary, the most colorful she's seen in Hell. She didn't think she'd be hit in the face with this much color and beautiful aesthetics around her.

"Oh my, it's so...Colorful, and everywhere, it smells very sweet." 

"Yeah, that's gluttony ring for ya, it's always a blast, Bee here throws the best cuisine parties on special occasions, but well, I may need to tell the queen herself, sense well, we aren't suppose to be here."

She laughed nervously and Filimena turns around to her.

"What? We're trespassing!? Then why are we here!"

"Relax, I know the gal, I've been here for longer than you have, besides, she's cool, I'm sure she'll understand once we find her."

But then, the light went off, and a voice appeared in the background, getting everyone in the party all hyped up. May and Filimena looked up to see a glowing figure flying up on a giant disco ball.

"What's up all ya wild animals! Are you ready for all the craziest and most delicious things you stuff inside your dirty mouths!"

Everyone howled and the hell spirits watches as the lights come back to life. Revealing what seems to be a mixture of a fox and an insect that has hair, stomach, and tail as if they were glowing, and moving like lava lamps. She was extremely colorful, that it was hard to notice the patterns on everything about her. May whistles.

"Yep, there she is! Perfect timing! Filimena! I like present to you, the one, the only, Beezlebub!"

She said as the fox bee creature, Bee herself, performs on stage and flies around the house with her singing her iconic song "Cotton Candy" Filimena sees of what Bee does, and was shocked not just her singing, but the way how she portrays. She sees her feeding all her guests with treats and honey, which seems to take major effect on others, making them all dizzy or drunk. May cheers her on as the show goes on.

"Uh, May? How do you know so much about her? Clearly, I don't really remember Beelzebub to see all..."Foxy"?"

"Oh yeah, I'll explain later, for now, let's go see her, she's about done already!"

She drags her later as Beelzebub herself was finishing up her lyrics and her performance. Everyone cheered and howled for her, and she gave a grateful bow.

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