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It has been days after the incident, it already pasted Valentines Day, unfortunately due to FIlimena, they had to cancel the wedding. Everyone worries about Asmodeus, he's mood was always on Filimena, hoping she'll be better, but he knew she will get better. He had to work on other things, he had to wait for more time. Fizzarolli helps out a lot for him, he was there trying to calm him down, and was always the supporting guide for him while Filimena was in the hospital. Meanwhile, May decided to go pay a visit to the Hospital to see Filimena for today, it was almost time for her to go. She had a few things with her, a teddybear accompanied with some valentines day delights like a box of chocolates and some candy hearts. She visits the hospital's waiting room, she meets up with one of the nurses to check in. They let her in and shown her the room to where Filimena was.

May visits inside the room, and she saw Filimena in bed. She was asleep, and there were flowers right next to her. The sun was beaming down from the hospital room. May walks up to her with the gifts, she taps the door, and Filimena slowly wakes up.

"Hey there, long time no see."

She said with a smirk, Filimena sees May, and smiled.

"May, you're here, I'm so glad to see you."

"Yeah, I knew since it's almost time for you to go, I thought to make a stop, oh, I bought you some things you might like."

She hands her over the gifts, Filimena sees them, and was pleased to see them.

"Oh, thank you May, I didn't expect gifts this early."

"Yeah, I know, I know your wedding is canceled, but I do hope it's at least okay, well, it's a shame your plan for that isn't exactly to plan, but once Asmodeus and the others see you, they'd be happy that you're fully okay."

"Oh yes! I can't wait, I'm looking forward..."

She suddenly goes silent, her expression changes when she quiets her voice down. May notices her look.

"Hey, why the long face? Aren't you happy to be leaving? I mean, stuck in bed for a while, that's gotta suck."

"No, it's not that, it's just that...I know it's over, but...I remember the words that this thing..."Negara" said to me, before I ended her life. She told me some things I can't shake off, that she might..Come back..I don't know, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and who...I really was..I'm not a love spirit I thought I was, my whole existence wasn't what I knew. I thought I was gifted to this world as a potential to spend love and compassion for lonely demons to find love again..Not to break them even more. I also thought about Asmodeus...After we have to cancel the wedding...I thought about myself with him, and..I've hurt him, you, and everyone else, I know it wasn't me, but I don't think anyone would forgive me for what I did. I don't know if I can be called the Hell cupid anymore, I've done so much to traumatize you and the others, if it was true that..Negara..Might come back, she'll try again to take control of me...I don't want others to get hurt again."

May held her shoulder.

"Hey, look at me, you've done it, all by yourself, this thing you have is gone now, you don't need to feel much of that anymore. Even if you now know what you are, well, clearly, I was surprised too, but you still are yourself. That thing isn't going to haunt you anymore, because you know why? Because you did it, you got rid of it. All that was all you, you can't shame yourself after what you did, Asmodeus was worried, Fizzarolli was worried, I was worried, heck, even others were worried about you. We're just so happy you're well and alive, and things can go back to normal, if for the better."

Filimena was touched to hear her say all that, but something else was on her mind too. She still looked down, and thought more on Asmodeus.

"..But..Not everything will be the same, I worry about the future, if I'm not the same spirit I was before, then what would that make me, and also the fact about us getting married, Negara shown me these.."Nightmares" claiming them to be visions. I know those were just things she used to play with my mind, but I can't help but think...What if this will happened, what if I really kill, I can't let it happen, I don't want to see him like this. The thought of it made me sick, I don't really know how to believe it."

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