~The Fault~

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Filimena awakens into the darkness, she was surround by nothing but only the cold, pitch black void. There was no sound but the echoes of distress and devastation that could be heard from far away. She flew around, trying to find a way to leave this place.

"Hello? May? Asmodeus! Anyone!"

She calls out, but no one came, she tries so hard to find something or someone that could help her escape. Still, she's the only thing that stands. 

"Somebody! Help! Where am I! Answer me please!"

She still calls, and still the same result. She falls down after exhaustion, the freezing air of this world was weakening her, she breathes heavily, and whimpers as she desperately tries to get back up. Her legs were weak as the darkness was touching them, Filimena couldn't see anything, until something grows out of the darkness, she heard whispering and crying as the figure fully forms itself, came close to Filimena. She quickly backs away from it. The shadowy figure changes into a form Filimena could recognized, The same face, the same appearance, it was..Her.

The shadowy figure, Negara, smiled maliciously at the helpless Hell Spirit.

"Well, it finally happened. All that misery is washing upon you, I knew this day will finally come! Now it's my chance to finally be free from my eternal prison!"

Filimena looks at her, not understanding from her words as she still couldn't get up because the darkness was weakening her.

"W-What do you mean? Where am I?"

"We're in my world, and now, you're here, just as mother said you come to me!"

Mother? Negara started to walk closer, Filimena quickly tries to back away from her, the darkness soon take hold on her by force, positioning her to stand still.

"Oh, you have no idea how long it has been since I can finally feel your senses once again.."

Filimena frowns, did she say what she thought she said, suddenly, Negara's figures slowly change again, this time, making herself almost seen identical to Filimena's appearance. Her colors were still muted and gloomy, Filimena wasn't understanding what was happening, and only wanted to leave back to her world.

"S-Stop this, please! Release me at once!  I have to get back to them!"

"oh, you won't need them anymore, you didn't need anyone anyway, oh I've waited years for you to come. The curse will finally be done once I'm out of this prison for good!"

Filimena was confused by Negara's words.

"What are you talking about?"

 "Oh? You don't get it, I understand, I didn't expect you to, you were always...So naive and confused."

She floats over to her, and rubs her chin

"Oh, isn't it obvious, don't you recognize me at all, oh no? well that's because you never knew or chose to ignore it! I was always in your shadow, and not once you saw me! Mother had to make me watch as you have to be such a screw-up anywhere! I was so sick of this! But finally, I won't have to worry no more!"

"I don't understand! Please let me out of there! I have to get to May, I must get back to Asmodeus!"

She shouted, and Negara stops, only to give her a cold stare.

"...Ah..your friends? Heh, even your "husband".

She quoted.

"Well, he'll certainly be dead once you come back from here!"

"W-Why are you doing this! Please...Stop this at once, I can't take any of your twisted dreams anymore, what do you want from me!"

She yells in distress. Negara looks at her, and then smiles.

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