~The Condition~

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It was a bitter day, seeing how today went, she knew spending time with others while trying to find Asmodeus wasn't her best intention, but with her kindness in heart, she couldn't resist to help. She sees the sadness on their faces, and she didn't know what to do but watch, she had her time to think, lost with no answer to where Asmodeus was to come to her or herself get to him, she had to wait for him. Later, Filimena thought of an idea to help clear her mind from today, having the time to wait for Asmodeus to come back, she decided to do something special. She decided to set up in the kitchen, she's baking some homemade sugar cookies and jelly donuts as a treat for an early Valentine's day event. She pours some sweet ruby wine in the glasses, decorated the while room in her lovely fleur of Valentine's day spirit. She then got some roses, all in different kinds of color she got from the flower shop before coming back. And finally to add for the final course, a small gift for Asmodeus, she had a small box with a pink ribbon on, and places it inside one of the jelly donuts. Soon she was all done for her work, and sees how the kitchen turned into a Valentine themed dinner room. She then goes to make herself look nice by brushing her own hair and decorate it with roses and her heart jewel as a center piece. She puts on a ruby red dress with glitter on the end tips and flowers. She even wears the necklace to finish off her look, once she was already done, she heard the door open, she rushes from the changing room to head down the hall and into the kitchen. Once she came, she saw who she expected to finally come home, Asmodeus. But the look of him wasn't what she was expecting, his face was weary, he looks stressed and tired, even his vest was a little messed up on the edges. His reaction Gower was the polar opposite, he saw the kitchen and the table decorated, also seeing the homemade goods Filimena prepared and set in particular orders. Filimena walked up to him, surprised him with her appearance, she gently smiles at him, glad to see him home at once.

"Welcome home Ozzie."

She said in a warm welcome, Asmodeus then raises a small smiles as he puts down his things.

"Oh wow, you did that on your own? What's the big deal?"

He asked while admiring the decorations and the food.

"I was going to see today, but after knowing you were gone, I thought to surprise you with this, I hope it's okay."

Asmodeus sits down to look at his plate.

"I didn't know you could make these? They do look tasty!"

Now he's basically acting like a surprised child, but Filimena finds it cute when he sees the sweets. She sat down on her seat.

"It wasn't easy to do the recipe, but I think it worked out nicely, I hope at least."

She chuckles, Asmodeus tries one of the sweets, most likely the sugar cookie. The sweet sense of strawberry frosting and sugar heart sprinkles hit his tastebuds of how exquisite the mixing of sugar and flavor the cookie has.

"These are very good! I think it's probably the best sugar cookie I've gotten since last year."

Filimena blushed.

"Oh thank you, I didn't think they'd be that great."

Asmodeus tries another one, and of course, he loves it. Then he decides to try the jelly donut next. But as he took a bite, he felt something hard against his teeth. He spits it out to realize it it was part of some wrapping paper, he looks closer to see you at the small gift inside the batter and the powder spreading onto it like a drooping cover. He brushes off the gooey goodness to reveal it's true form. He was surprised to see the gift, but was almost humiliated when he almost choked on the paper.

"A gift? Inside a donut? Jeez, that's the the weirdest hiding spot you've got there."

He laughed, Filimena was a little ashamed by that.

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