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Hyunjin and his best friend jaewoo were having a sleep over at jaewoo's house. It was late august and only few days remained until the start of school. They were having so much fun, as much as a 16 year old guys can have.
They were playing Mario kart and jaewoo kept loosing

"DUDE CMON, LET ME WIN AT LEAST ONE TIME!" jaewoo yelled at hyunjin

"I NEVER SURRENDER!!" hyunjin yelled back

when jaewoo finally accepted the fact that he can never beat hyunjin, they stopped playing and just talked. it was really late at this point, but they weren't tired.

"Hey dude, I'm going to the bathroom, be right back." hyunjin said

"don't miss me too much" jaewoo said jokingly

hyunjin was in the bathroom and was just scrolling through his phone, when he heard a glass breaking. It was really loud, but it was coming from the kitchen, so he thought jaewoo went to get something to drink and just broke a glass of something. then he finally went back to his friends room

"dude what did you break you idio-" hyunjin froze

his best friend was laying on his bed with blood coming from his mouth. above him was a guy, who kept stabbing him in his chest.
when the guy heard him come inside, he turned around and went to hyunjin. he pointed the knife he was just stabbing his best friend with to his neck.

"you will never tell anyone what you saw today. you won't tell anyone how my face looks like, or I will come to you and kill you." the killer said

just then, they both heard sirens. the killer panicked and slit the side of hyunjins neck, missing the artery. still, hyunjin was loosing a lot of blood. the killer then escaped.

hyunjin was slowly loosing consciousness, when he finally heard voices. he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.

when hyunjin woke up, he was laying in a hospital. he sat up really slowly and looked around. doctor then came inside.

"oh, you're awake young man." the doctor said

hyunjin kept staring at the doctor

"w-what....?" hyunjin asked

"oh, you're wondering why are you here? well..."

"no..." hyunjin cut him off
"... I- I can't see your face..."

the doctors ran some tests and even took him to psychologist. hyunjin was so scared, because he didn't see anyone's face. they diagnosed him with "facial blindness", which meant he couldn't see people's faces and recognize them.

hyunjin had really hard time actually accepting this and adjusting it. he didn't recognize people in school anymore. he just had to guess by the way they voice sounded.

he also found out later what happened. a man broke into his best friends house, while his parents were still downstairs, killing them. Jaewoo heard noises. he thought someone broke in and called the police, then he went downstairs. when he saw what was happening, he screamed. killer noticed him and ran to him. jaewoo started running, but he only made it to his room, where the killer killed him. hyunjin knew the rest.

it's been two years since this incident, and hyunjin was now in a sophomore year in high school. he became really popular because of his looks. it's been two years since he got a facial blindness, so he learned how to recognize people not just by their face. it was still pretty hard and he sometimes did make a mistake. he was glad he was an amazing liar, so he came up with excuses. he didn't want people to know about his facial blindness.

hyunjin felt empty. he had no idea how he looked like, because he couldn't see his face either. he felt really distant from people, because he was always stressed, afraid people might find out about his problem.

he really liked this rooftop, where he was coming every day when he had time. it was refreshing, he could be relaxed there.

but little did he know, today will be different.

he went to the rooftop as always, but when he reached the top, he saw someone on the edge, ready to jump.

my angel / hyunlixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang