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I had no motivation to go to the kindergarten, but I had to.

It was my job at the end.

I got up, and went to the kindergarten.
I met jihoon inside.

"Hi bokkie."

"Hi." I said sadly

"Is something wrong?"

"No, don't worry about it."

"Oh, okay."

He went back to cleaning the tables, and I started making the tee for the kids.

I wasn't in the mood to play with them, but it's not like I had a choice.

I had no idea if I was still in a relationship with hyunjin.
I mean, he told me to leave, but he never really broke up with me.

I'm so confused.

I just decided to forget about it for a while and just enjoy the kids company.

It was 16;00 and our kindergarten was closing.

Why was I hoping that hyunjins car will stand in the driveway?

I took my headphones and I walked home, thinking.

All i wanted to do was to go to hyunjins house and try to tell him that I'm innocent, but I had no right to do that.

He said I have to get out.

I went home, and just decided to watch TV.
The news started.

Artist Hwang Hyunjin had a bad car accident. The witnesses said that he was speeding, then lost control over his vehicle and crashed into a tree.
We have no information about his current situation, but the witnesses said the accident was really bad and he could have a serious injuries.

My heart dropped.

I immediately took my phone and keys and ran to the hospital that was the nearest from the spot hyunjin had his accident.

I ran to the receptionist.

"Hello, is patient hwang hyunjin here?"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that.
I know you are his fan, but you have no right to know that information."

"I'm not a fan, I am his boyfriend!"

"I can't trust you without a proof."

I sighed and showed her pictures with me and hyunjin, I showed her his number and the text between us.
She finally gave in.

"Alright. Yes, hwang hyunjin is laying here. He's unconscious right now."

"Can I see him?" I was about to cry

"Second floor, room number 5. Security is there, because he's a celebrity. I will inform the security that you can go inside. Here, take this."

She gave me a small paper.

"Give this to the security so they can let you in."

I nodded, thanked her and left to see hyunjin.

I showed security the paper, and I went inside.

Hyunjin was laying in a hospital bed, unconscious, with machines around him.

I took his hand and I started sobbing.

"I'm so sorry this happened hyunjin."

Right now, I wasn't gonna leave his side until he woke up.


my angel / hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now