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I was shocked.

Hyunjin had feelings for me?

I just looked at him. I knew he couldn't see my face, but I didn't know what to do. He then took my hand, he ran his fingers trough mine and he closed his hand, making me do the same.

"I will hold onto your hand as if it's a ring." he said

( if you get this reference, MARRY ME )

I kept staring at our hands. He then started walking and I followed him as I was still holding his hand.

We walked and still held our hands. He took me to the mall and we went on a shopping spree.

"So, where do you want to go first?" he asked with a smile

"We can go look at some clothes." I said

he agreed and took me to clothing store. he chose outfits for me and I chose outfits for him. we had so much fun. sometimes we purposely picked something not so nice looking. he always looked at me like he was about to kill me. It always made me laugh. hyunjin then chose some jeans with cute sweater. I then went to change.

"hyunjin, I don't think it looks that good."

"let me see." he said

he then opened the door and I turned around. his eyes widened and he stared at me.

" look-"

"weird, yeah, now it's my turn to pick something for you."

"no! you look absolutely beautiful." he said as he walked inside of the cabin with me, back hugging me and staring into the mirror.

"you look so adorable. I'm buying you this."

"noo, you don't have to buy that for me."

"trust me, I want to, and I will" he said, but he didn't stop back hugging me. He then gave me a small kiss on the cheek and left the cabin, saying:

"Get changed and look for something you would like. I will buy it for you too."

I didn't answer. I was shocked from the kiss. I put my hand on my cheek and just stayed like that for a moment. We were there for like another half an hour and we even got some matching clothes. I was really happy.


Felix picked some matching clothes for us, which I found so adorable. when we talked from the store, he had the biggest smile on his face and he was little jumping all over the place.

gosh, how can be someone so adorable

we then went trough the mall and found a few stores Felix liked. We bought more matching things and went to get something to eat.

"gosh, I can't decide if I want this, or that." Felix said.

"well, what if I get the first one, you will get the second one and we can share it."

I couldn't see Felix's face, but I knew he was happy.

"Are you okay with it tho?" he asked

"of course I am."

we ate, well, Felix ate most of it. But I didn't care, I wasn't so hungry anyway and I enjoyed seeing him happy.

It was getting pretty late, we spend like three hours in that mall.

"Do you want to come to my house?" I asked him

my angel / hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now