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I woke up and I decided I will made my angel a breakfast in bed.
it wasn't anything fancy, just a French toast and tea, but I also knew that Felix loved my French toast and I also know that he loves tea, so my choice for breakfast was made.

when I walked to the room, he was smiling from side to side and he looked so adorable.

"I made you breakfast honey." I said and I gave him the tray. his eyes lit up, and he started eating. he was thanking me like every time he took a bite. I just chuckled and I admired him as he was eating.

It was my first relationship, like ever.

I'm good looking ( according to Felix ) and a lot of people asked me out, so why I never been in a relationship?

because I was afraid that I will kiss or hug someone else by mistake and my secret would be out. I also wouldn't be able to recognize them, like nowhere.
I would be put under a lot more pressure then I already was, so I always avoided relationships.

Well, until Felix came.

Something inside him just made me want him, and I don't know how he managed it, but he changed my mind. I couldn't even imagine what would have happened if I never went to that rooftop. I was so lucky to meet this beautiful and amazing person.

"It was so good hyunjinie, thank you so much. But have you eaten too?" he asked me

"yeah, I ate."

after a while, we decided to go out. We decided to go on a walk and just walk aimlessly. We held hands and we talked. It was all really nice, I loved being by his side.

We came across an arcade, and of course we went in. We didn't even realize, but we spend a lot of money inside there. I won Felix a really cute chicken plushie and I was surprised when I noticed that it looked like him.

"Sweetie, it looks just like you!" I said

"No it doesn't." Felix said and looked at the plushie

"Make that face." I said and I pointed to the face that duck had.

Well, Felix made it, and he looked EXACTLY like the chicken.

"Hold on." I said and I took a picture.

"Look." I said and motioned him to come here so he can look how similar he is to that duck.

"oh my god, I do look like this chicken." he said and I chuckled a little, kissing his cheek.

We were there for a few hours, when we realized that it was getting darker, so we went to our favorite store and we bought ramen.

"you know, whenever I walked around this shop, I would get so sad, because I would see us sitting exactly here, and it made me miss you even more."
I told him

he smiled sadly at me.

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize. It's a beautiful evening and we don't want to ruin it." I smiled and I held his hand.

On the way back, I noticed that he was shivering a lot, so I gave him my jacket, and I pulled him close, so he would be warmer.

he leaned in and i felt full again.

we went to sleep right after we went to the bed, because we were really exhausted.

he was laying close to me, and I pulled him close, so I could cuddle him.

this boy seemed to like hugs so much.

we fell asleep with a good feeling.

my angel / hyunlixKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat