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I kissed him, very gently. The kiss didn't last long. When I pulled away, I started caressing his cheeks, looking at his blurred face. He wasn't moving, he was just kind of melting into my touch.

"You're beautiful." I said

"What?" he asked me, confused

"You were asking me how you look. You're beautiful, the most beautiful creature on this planet."
I said in a calming tone, my hands never leaving his cheeks.

I then smiled at him and pulled his face closer. I kissed his forehead, then I kissed both of his cheeks, his nose and lastly his lips.

This time, the kiss was little deeper. It escalated quickly and I put one of my hands on his waist, pulling him closer to me. He put his hands around my neck and deepened the kiss more. I took his thighs and seated him on my lap, putting my hands on his waist afterwards. He let me move him and he then put his hands on my cheeks, kissing me.

I felt the butterflies destroying my stomach as he moved his body even closer to mine. I then picked him up, his legs wrapping around my waist. Without breaking the kiss, I carried him to my bed. I sat on the bed and Felix moved his legs to a more comfortable way. I then started kissing his neck. Felix let out a quiet moan as I found his sweet place. I slowly sucked on it, listening the little moans he was letting out. I'm not that type of person to leave  hickeys everywhere, so I didn't do it. I didn't know if Felix was okay with that, so it was an immediate no. I then purposely fell back, hugging Felix. He chuckled a little bit and we started cuddling.

"Thank you so much for today hyunjinie. You were right, it was definitely one of the best nights of my life."

I smiled at him.

"But I should probably go now. I have to go to work tomorrow."

"Stay." I said.

"I would love to, but I really have work tomorrow."

"What if I lend you my clothes and drop you off?"

He didn't say anything.

"Lixie please......stay."

"Okay, I give up." he said and he buried his head in my chest, which led to me hugging him tighter.

It felt like the time has stopped. I felt Felixs breaths on my chest and I was holding him in my arms. After a while, I heard little snores coming from him.

I chuckled.

agh, so adorable

i woke up, still holding Felix. I smiled at him and I checked the time. It was time for Felix to get up.

"Lixie, sweetie, you have to go to work."

I said quietly. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I gave him a peck on his lips and got up. Felix chose some clothes of mine to wear. When we got ready, we went to my car holding hands and I drove him to his kindergarten.

I held his hand the same way I said as I would, like if it was a ring. He wasn't startled this time, he looked relaxed.


I can't even express how amazing last night was.
It had something any other moments with jihoon didn't: I wanted it to turn into my everyday life

When I start dating, I need to be sure I can see future with that person, and I could see it with hyunjin. I could see us getting up the same was as today, I could see us playing just dance every night, I could him painting something as I massaged his back. I could see everything. That is exactly what I was looking for. All I had to do to make this happen is to say yes to hyunjin.

There was this one thing that made me feel really uneasy tho.

What if he did that just so I would choose him over jihoon, not actually carrying about me?

I decided to ask him about this. It would make my final decision.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"You know, I have to find my answer. When I walk trough that kindergarten door, I have to be sure. So let me ask you one thing."

"What is it?"

"Last night, was it something you're willing to do with me more than once? Was last night actually planned so I would enjoy it and see the good side of you, or did it have other reasons? Do you know what I mean?"

hyunjin looked like he was thinking about his answer. that made me really uneasy

"Felix, last night was an amazing night we experienced together. I didn't plan it at all. All I knew was I wanted to take you shopping. All those things we did.....were all just us. we made the night amazing.
to answer your question....yes, I'm willing to live this night with you forever. I enjoyed it as much as you, maybe more.
I get it, you're afraid of the fact I did that just to impress you and make you pick me, like it was exaggerated just for that purpose. but it really wasn't."

he answered and looked at me, smiling.

I was sure of my answer now.

my angel / hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now