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I was laying in the hospital, thinking.

The past week, Felix was visiting me every single day, but he seemed very distant.
He wasn't talking that much, and I saw that he wasn't being himself.

I fucked up so bad.

All I had in mind is to make him feel better, and make him trust me again.

I thought, a lot.

I thought about all of the different things I could do to make him feel better.
I had a lot of time, considering I was laying in a bed for the whole week.

He didn't deserve what I did. I know he's a fragile soul, and that I must have hurt him.

So when I saw him at the parking lot, the first thing I did was hug him tight. I wanted him to know, that he's safe with me, and that I will do anything, just to make him trust me again.

He pulled from the hug, and he smiled at me.

I could never get enough of that smile.

"How have you been my love?" I asked him

"Yeah, good." He said, but he looked little down

"Is something wrong?" I asked him

"I want to apologize to you." He said, looking at me

I was confused.
"Why would you apologize to me?"

"Well......I thought our relationship would end because of this. I'm sorry I didn't have trust in us after that moment you said I have to get out. I'm sorry I took it personally and made the situation about me, even tho your worst nightmare was getting real. I'm-"

"No Felix, you have nothing to be sorry about. I love you so much, and I care about you. I was too harsh, but I was really worried, and I wasn't myself. I know that you felt hurt, and it will haunt me for the rest of my life. I will do whatever I can to show you how much I love you and care about you."

With that, I gently kissed him.

When I pulled away, tears were in his eyes.

It made my heart heal and break at the same time.

I pulled him into a hug, and he buried his head in my chest. For a while, we just stood there, not caring about anything.

Felix then pulled away and he took my hand.

"Do you want to go to the convenience store with me?" He asked, smiling.

"Oh how could I say no to that smile."
I said and we started walking.

We arrived at the store, and the first thing I did was to find the drink he bought when he was here with me and jihoon. His eyes literally lit up when he saw me carrying the drink in my hand.

He happily drank it, kicking his legs. He looked like a little adorable baby.

We finished our drinks in a comfortable silence and then we went to my house.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked him

"I don't really care to be honest."

"Well, there this one thing I want to do."


"I want to compare the painting to you. And I want to make another painting of you, but this time knowing how your face looks like."

"Sounds good to me." He said and smiled at me

We went to my atelier and I took my painting of Felix.

He was right, it actually kinda looked like him, if he was close to it, you wouldn't need that much time to realize that it's him. I was actually pretty proud of myself.

"It isn't that bad." I said

"It isn't bad at all, I absolutely love it."

"Well, I'm gonna make another one, but this time I will make it look 100% like you, okay?"

He just nodded and sat on the second chair that was there from the time he helped me paint the first painting of him.

"Wait, I have an amazing idea." I said

"What?" He asked curiously

"What if we went to our rooftop? It's good weather and I think it will be magical. I started painting the first painting there."

"Oh I really like that idea." He said and I started packing my things.

I didn't need much, since I knew that I will just probably make a sketch.

We arrived at the rooftop around 14pm and we sat there, Felix looking around and I was painting him, adoring him.

It was suddenly 18pm and the sun started setting down.

Felix was looking at the sunset, while the sun was shining on his face, making him look like an....angel.

It made me fall in love with him even more.

He finally looked at me and smiled at me.

"You know, I'm getting a big feeling of dejavú." he said

"Yeah, me too. I couldn't even imagine that two years after the incident we will be in love with each other. When I was sitting here, waiting for you, I thought that I will never see you again."

"Yeah, I was worried. I wanted to come to the rooftop the second day and talk with you. I was crying every night in Daegu, and I wished I could meet you again. You were the only one that kept me alive and was there for me when I needed, even tho we didn't even know each other."

I put his hand around his shoulders and he placed his head on my chest.

"From the moment I saw you, I knew that you were special. When you didn't come here, I thought you were getting better, or that you don't want to see me, and I was so scared that I lost you. I was even worried that you actually committed."

"I was close so many times, but I never did it. I was thinking about you."

"Well, I'm happy that I could keep you alive."

I said and I hugged him tightly, kissing his forehead

I love him so much

my angel / hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now