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we were sitting on the couch, still naked.
his back was against my chest and his head rested on my shoulder.

it was comfortable, but I knew that we have to have a serious talk right now.


he just hummed in response.

"I know that you probably don't want to talk about it, but we have to. we didn't see or talk to each other for a week and I know that things between us now are very different then what they were. I think we have to talk about our future. Don't get me wrong tho, it sounds like I want to end our relationship, but no, I absolutely love you and I do not want to break up with you. Even tho I have face blindness, I'm not blind. I can see that you're not that comfortable around me like you used to be, and I hate it. I want to make things right between us. I wasn't myself when I didn't have you by my side Felix."

He turned to me and looked at me.

"hyunjin, whatever you do, don't blame yourself in this situation. I know that I started distancing myself from you, but you did nothing wrong. It's something in me, so dont blame yourself. I also hate the fact that we're not the same as we used to be, but we can probably work on that, since we both hate the situation we're in. Still, I need you to understand that it won't be the same quickly, I need time to get over the problem I have, and when I do it, I'm sure we will be alright. I have an idea. Because I do not want to distance myself from you anymore, would it be okay if I spend the whole week here, with you? I can figure things out and we can try and get more comfortable again."

I smiled at him.

"I think that's an amazing idea."

He smiled back and he pulled me in for a gentle kiss.

I then hugged him tight.

"Can we go to the bed? I'm super tired and I'm also cold." Felix said

"Yeah of course."

I picked him up bridal style and I carried him to my bed. I laid him down and I walked up to my closet.

"Do you want a shirt or just hoodie?" I asked him

"Can I have hoodie?"

I picked one of my favorite hoodies and I gently threw it to the bed, so he could put it on.

I then picked some hoodie for myself and when I put it on, I walked to the bed and I laid next to Felix.

I put his hands around him and he snuggled up against me.

His face was pressed on my chest and after a while, I could hear a little snores.

I chuckled a little bit and I pulled him close.

I have a week.
I need to make things right.
I'm gonna make him feel comfortable again.
I'm gonna make him feel loved.

I had to.

I couldn't lose him.

Not when I finally got him back.

I just couldn't.

my angel / hyunlixDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora