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I was waiting in front of the kindergarten. I was so excited to see Felix again, I missed him so much. When he wasn't coming for a long time, I just decided to go inside. As I was walking to the door, I saw jihoon walked out.

"Hyunjin? What are you doing here?" he asked me

"I'm here to pick up Felix."

"oh, he's inside." jihoon said

I was about to go inside, when he stopped me

"Wait, can I ask you something?" he said

"yeah, what is it?"

"Do you like Felix?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Oh.." he looked like he didn't expect my answer

"Yeah, it turned out he likes me too. We started dating yesterday."

He froze. I knew he didn't expect my answer.

"Well, I hope you will take good care of him." he said sadly and left

I looked at him. To be honest, I felt bad for him. I can't even imagine Felix turning me down.

I then vent inside. I saw my boyfriend picking up some toys that were on the ground.

"Hello cutie." I said

"Oh, hi hyunjinie" he said, turning back so he could see me.

"Can we go?"

"Oh, I actually have to clean here for a bit. I know you probably don't have time, so you can just go. I will sleep at my house today." He said

"Oh hell no. You're right, I have something this afternoon, few people will come to look at my paintings, so we should hurry and clean this up."

"What do you mean "we"?"

"I'm helping you out, so we have it faster."


"No arguments."

He sighed and gave up.

"You can take these toys and put it into this thing."

He said and showed me where to put those toys. I nodded and started picking up the toys.

We finished cleaning really quickly. I then took his hand and we went to my car.

"So, who's coming to look at your paintings?" He asked

"Few people. You don't have to see them if you don't want to. You can just wait inside our bedroom."

"Would you mind if I was in the bedroom?"

"No, of course not."
I said and smiled at him. I took his hand and gently kissed it.

When we arrived home, he kissed me and told me:
"I'm gonna go to the bedroom. You can come to me when the people leave." he said and went upstairs

gosh I'm so in love with him

I then heard knocking and I opened the door. An older lady and man walked in.

"Oh hello my dear. We haven't seen each other for a long time." She said, holding her hand up for me to kiss it.

"You're right." I said, as I politely kissed her hand.

"Will you show us your paintings?" The man said

"Well, that's why you're here for, right?"

I said and I walked them to the atelier. I was showing them my paintings, when I heard a loud sound, like something big fell, from my bedroom.

"Is someone else here?" The woman asked me

"I will go check, wait for me here." I said and I quickly went to my room

I was worried that something fell on Felix, or Felix himself fell and got hurt, but when I opened the door, I saw Felix laying on the ground covered in blanket next to my bed. It looked like he was sleeping and then he rolled over and fell. He looked so adorable.

I chuckled and I picked him up.
I put him inside the bed again, making sure he's in the middle and that he's laying on his back.

I then took my blanket and I buried him into it. I put a little chicken plushie into his arms, which we bought together when we went to the mall together.

He happily took it and snuggled up to the chicken.
I chuckled and I felt my heart melt

If I didn't have to go to those people, I would stay here and just watch him adorably sleeping.

yeah, this chapter isn't that good, but I didn't really have an idea what to write, because I want to keep the main plot twist for a little later. for a while I thought I will let hyunjin fight jihoon in front of the kindergarten, but it was too weird.

I also sped up this chapter, because I got an amazing idea what to write in my second story, which is about minsung ( you can go read it if you want, its my first story and I actually like it )

bye my loves 💕💕

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