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it has been a week since hyunjin first saw my face.

he will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I was visiting him every day, and all he did was just stare at me.

I can't blame him.

After four years of confusion and not being able to see a single face, he was finally able to see someone's face, it must've been a big shock for him.

He texted me yesterday, asking me if I will be there after he gets discharged.

I couldn't say no of course.

I texted my boss to tell him I'm "sick" and that I will not come tomorrow.

I was now lying in my bed, thinking.

Will we be alright?

We didn't have the important talk. He apologized to me, and I understand why he did what he did, but I cannot shake off the feeling that we will not be the same.
I'm afraid that our trust will slowly fade away.

I get it, he was stressed and scared, and he told me that part of him knew that I would never do it...

...but he chose to believe the second part of him, telling him I was the one who betrayed him...

...and that hurts.

Even after he calmed down a little and a day passed, he never called or texted me, still believing I'm the betrayer.

I can't shake off the feeling that this will slowly destroy us.

I tried to think positively.

Hyunjin got into a serious accident, but he is okay.
Hyunjin apologized to you, he meant it.
Hyunjin doesn't trust you.
Hyunjin thinks you betrayed him.
Hyunjin blames you for everything.

I sighed and sat up.

I needed distraction from this.

I took my phone and I called my brother.

Wow, am I that desperate that I'm calling my brother to spend some time with me?

He picked up.


"hi minho, what you've been up to?"

"Nothing much, what about you?"

"I have something to ask you. I heard that you're now in Seoul, do you want to come to my apartment? We haven't seen each other in a while."

"Yeah, of course. Send me the address, I'll be there soon."

"Thank you."

I hanged up and I send him the address.

My brother was dating a lot, so I thought maybe he could give me some advice. It's eating me from the inside and I need to talk about this with someone other then hyunjin.

After a little while, Minho arrived.

"Hi bro, how have you been?" He asked me, hugging me.

"I was really good, but now, im not so sure."

"Is something wrong?"

"I need you to give me some advice, come inside."

We went inside and I gave him a glass of wine.

"Spill the tea, what is wrong?" Minho asked me

"I'm in a bad situation right now, and I need help."

He just nodded.

"Okay, I will tell you the whole story.

I got together with a guy I met two years ago, on one rooftop. We met again and somehow got together, this is not the important part.
The important part is that he's a celebrity, and he has facial blindness."

"Wait, is that hwang hyun-


Minho literally screamed at me.

"Chill mate.
Yeah, its hwang hyunjin, but this also isn't important. The important thing is that someone told the media that he has facial blindness, but you probably know."

Minho just nodded, still shocked

"Well, I was the only person he told the whole story, and the only person who knew about his facial blindness.
Because of that, he believed that I was the one who betrayed him.
He told me to get out of his house, which I did. A day later, I found out that he was in a accident.
I stayed with him until he woke up, and when he did, he told me that he could see my face and that he wanted to apologize."



He really tried to remain calm after that one.

"He told me that he was shocked and worried, and he just took it out on me.
Which is in my opinion, kind of a bad thing.
Then he said that a part of him always knew that I was innocent.
Well, if he actually thought that, he believed his other side and still thought that I was the one betraying him.
It's been a day. He could calm down and he could put his thoughts in order, but he didn't text me or call me, he still thought that I did it.
I'm not sure if we have trust between each other, and that's like the most important thing."

"Okay, I get where you're coming from, but you're forgetting something.
Yes, trust between each other is important, but not as important as TRUST IN EACH OTHER.
Let's make it in our situation, okay?
This might hit a sensitive spot for you, so I'm apologizing in advance.
Imagine if you're a celebrity. You're well know and people expect something from you.
Now, you get into a relationship, and you trust the person with the biggest secret of yours.
You tell him everything about moondang, and about your every weakness.
A few days or weeks later, there is an article talking about you and moondang.
Imagine if he was the only one who you told it.
Now, you're stressed, because you're worried about what people will think about you.
Your lover is saying that he didn't do it, but you know he was the only one you told.
You will get so mad, and you will need a minute alone, so you tell him to leave.
Well, now you're depressed, because you think the person you trusted the most betrayed you.
Sure, your second part can say "but he would never do it.", but look at this. He's the only one who knew, and no one other had any way of finding out.
What would you do in that situation?"

His words actually got to me.

He was right.

I would probably react the same way he did.

I thanked Minho for helping me understand, and he just smiled and hugged me.

We spent the whole night talking, and we went to sleep at 4 am.

I was lucky that hyunjin gets discharged at 13pm.

And the first think I should do is apologize to him.

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