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I saw a boy on the edge of the building. I panicked.
I ran up to him and I took his arm.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled at the boy

I made him turn to me.

"Ouch, c-can you please let go of my arm?"  he said.
I didn't see his face, but I knew he was crying, just by the way his voice was trembling.

"what do you mean? I'm not even holding you that tightly..?" I said as I looked at his hand.
I then saw scars on his wrist. they looked fresh.

I immediately let his hand go

"Just.....please get down, we can talk..."

I looked at the boy, I think he was looking at me, but I wasn't sure, after all, he could be just thinking. After a while he nodded and I helped him get down. We then sat on the ground. For a while, no one said anything.

"So, do you wanna tell me what happened?" I asked

"i-it was just too much" he said.
I could tell he wasn't  100% sure if he wanted to talk about it.

I didn't blame him. If I was in his position, I would be in the same dilemma too.

"Okay, we can start with introducing, so we could be more comfortable with each other, do you agree?" I asked him

He nodded

"I'm hyunjin." I said

"Felix." he told me really quietly.

I encouraged him to talk with me more and he was slowly getting comfortable and started talking more.

He was really sweet, still little shy, but I could tell he was more relaxed.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened?"
I said suddenly becoming serious

Felix sighed

"Let's just say my family doesn't really appreciate me. My parents don't really see me as their son, because their favorite is my brother, Minho. He likes sports, is really smart and he's overall the golden child. Minho is super nice to me tho, he even tries to defend me when my parents aren't exactly nice to me." he started

I'm an only child, I can't really understand this, but I knew he was really taking it hard. He sounded so pure when we talked. He has a beautiful soul and sounded really emotional.
I was quiet, I wanted him to speak.

"Even tho my brother is absolutely innocent in this, it really hurts me. One day my mom told me she wished I was never born. I felt guilty. That was the first time when I cut myself. Then I just couldn't stop. The feeling helped me. I felt relaxed and I fell in love with that feeling."

( quick reminder: THIS IS ONLY FAN FICTION )

I felt sorry for him. As I spoke to him, I would never guessed he went trough that. Maybe his eyes were saying it, but how would I know?

"School isn't great either. I have only one friend and people are just....well...... mean"

I looked at him.

"Why are people mean to you?" I asked him

"I don't even know, I did nothing to them. They laughed at me for my freckles and for everything I did. I didn't have anything to hold me back in this life. I just wanted that pain to go away."

He told me.
I had no idea how to react. I think he was crying, but I wasn't 100% sure. It just sounded like it.

I pulled him in for a hug, because that's what people do to comfort someone. At first he was hesitant, but after a while, he melted and started crying silently. I knew that cuz I felt a tear lay on my neck. We stayed like that for a while.

"Sorry." He then said, pulling away.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked him

"You were probably here to relax and i ruined it, I'm sorry.." he said, sounded really apologetic

"No, I'm glad I went here. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to save you." I told him

He just kept looking at me and I kept looking at him. He saw me, I didn't see him. But I kept staring at him, hoping for miracle to happen, so I would be able to see his face.

"I will never forget your face." He told me

I couldn't say the same. I just pulled him for a hug.

We then left together.

my angel / hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now