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I woke up, feeling good.

I went downstairs and I cooked myself a proper breakfast.

I texted Felix good morning, but he didn't respond.
I didn't think much of it, since it was still pretty early.

I killed the whole day by watching "you", when I realized that I craved some cup noodles.

I put my favorite hoodie on and I went to the store, where I bought the cup noodles.

The lady there recognized me, because I'm really coming there often with Felix.

"You're not here with your boyfriend today?" She asked me

She could be like 60 years old

"No, not today, but we will come soon." I gave her a smile

"Alright, I'm taking that as a promise."
she smiled and I paid for my cup noodles.

"Alright then, see you someday." I said with a smile and walked out of the store.

As I was walking home, it started raining, so I hurried home.

When I walked trough my door and closed it, ready to prepare the cup noodles, a message popped on my phone.

It was from Felix.


Hi hyunjin,
I will start this message with a thank you.
You were the only one who cared for me, and the only one who helped me when I needed.
You were the light of my life, but unfortunately, nothing good lasts forever.


Without thinking, I dropped the bag with my noodles and I started running to Felix's house in a rain with shorts and hoodie, but I couldn't care less, all I was thinking about was Felix.


I have been dealing with some issues for a good few months now, I think it started when I saw moondang again. I think that's when I started to feel worthless and like nothing. All of those bad thoughts came back, and it was so hard for me to handle, so I distanced myself from you. That was the real reason.


I was aggressively pressing the button for the crosswalk. Tears started streaming from my eyes.


I was still aggressively pressing the button, until the light finally turned grean.

I started running again.


I tried really hard hyunjin, I really did. The week we didn't see each other, I didn't leave my bed. I didn't eat, and I was just thinking about what I should do. I wrote reasons why stay alive, and reasons why die, and I couldn't think of anything that would make me stay. That's the reason why I wanted to spend the last week of my life with you. I knew you would be able to make it beautiful, and even tho the guilt was eating me alive, it was the best week of my life, so thank you for that.

my angel / hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now