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The week of the Jupiter Jim convention came around, and Y/n sat outside the convention with April.

"Donnie's gonna have a heart attack when he sees you..", April smirked.

Y/n questioned why. But April gestured to their Atomic Lass outfit. It was two  things Donnie loved in one (not that he'd admit one of those things out loud).

[Again, outfit can be switched if you aren't comfortable being depicted cosplaying a fem character (о'∀'о) ]

Y/n began watching their favorite YouTuber on their phone as April watched over their shoulder.

Soon a 'gasp' was heard. No, literally.

"GASPPPP!! ARE YOU- YOU- ATOMIC LASS?!?!", Donnie failed to find words for once. He was baffled.

"I look hot right? Hotter than the original Atomic Lass"?, Y/n grinned smugly.

"No comment.", Donnie plainly spoke, refusing to compare. He also was afraid of an accidental confession slipping up.

Y/n had a large grin as they noted his refusal to answer.

The group entered the convention and immediately the group started freaking out, as April chuckled and shook her head.

Y/n ran up to a booth filled with cute plushies.

"I would give my soul for everything in this building..", Y/n gasped, instantly buying an Atomic Lass plush.

Meanwhile Donnie stupidly got himself into an argument with some guy about what was "canonically correct" about something within the show.

Raph facepalmed and shook his head, while the rest watched enjoying the drama.

Y/n walked up behind Donnie, putting the plush up to his cheek, going completely unnoticed.

"Donnieeeeee!~", Y/n spoke in an overly squeaky voice, as they moved the plushies head.

Donnie jumped slightly, startled.


Y/n pursed their lips as they paused and thought for a moment. They then smiled.

"Y'know what? You can have it.", Y/n smiled. April raised a brow, throughout her time knowing Y/n, she knew they were one stingy bitch... they must've really liked him.

"No! Gasp, really?!", Donnie grinned, ignoring the guy he was arguing with before as he tried to get back to their argument.

"Yep.", Y/n smiled. 

Donnie grabbed it and hugged it. He then looked over at Y/n. Which turned into staring as he was still in awe about their beautiful costume. It was so accurate... and his crush dressed as his fictional one? He's gonna die.

"You good?... you're uh.. doing quite the staring buddy..", Y/n tilted their head. Donnie paused as his face heated up. He then dashed off. Odd.

The teen shrugged and went to grab a snack.


This unfortunately was a reoccurrence throughout the entire day. Y/n just began to feel slightly upset rather than amused. What was up with him?

April furrowed her brows at Y/n,  who she could recognize as upset. She grew pissed at Donnie, and went to question him about avoiding them.

Eventually she found him chatting with a fan who thought his "costume" was cool and wanted to take a selfie.

April gave an annoyed "AHEM", startling the group.

"Yes April?", Donnie smiled.

"A word?", April glared, receiving a nervous laugh from Donnie in return. The two walked over to a mostly empty area with no booths.

"April... what's up?..", Donnie smiled.

"What's up?! What's up with you?!?", April crossed her arms. Donnie looked confused.

"I don't follow.", Donnie replied.

"Why have you been AVOIDING poor Y/n?! They're upset now!", April glared.

"Whatt! Pssh- Avoiding them is certainly the last thing i was doing I definitely wasn't doing that.. nailed it.", Donnie made a poorly excuse.

"You didn't nail SHIT. Now spill!", April put her hands on her hips.

"Damn it! Fine. Yeah. I'm avoiding them.. Only! Only cause... ugh April..", Donnie sunk to the floor and the girl frowned.

"What is it Don? You can talk to me."

"I feel weird around them all the time and I fear its going to mess things up- and today it's just amplified and I... I think I.. I'm... the point is, this is new and I don't want new. I don't like this.. I mean I do!.. but I also don't.", Donnie groaned, burying his face in his knees.

April frowned and sighed.

"I get it Don. New IS fucking scary. But you never know, you might like it. And Y/n, even if they don't seem like it all the time, is chill. They'll understand and still be your friend no matter how you feel about them right now.", April smiled, lowering her head to try and meet eyes with Donnie.

He weakly glanced over.

"But what if they don't.", Donnie frowned.

April frowned and looked down.

"Y/n isn't the asshole they appeared to be when you first met them. I'm sure they'll understand."

"And if they don't.. feel the same how will I..", Donnie looked down.

April was about to put her hand on his shoulder but paused until he nodded as an "okay".

"It's okay Don. Whatever happens, bad or good, me and your brothers will be there for you. But trust me, I don't think it's gonna go how you think.", April spoke, hinting at the fact Y/n is beginning to reciprocate his feelings, without spilling her friends secret.

Donnie smiled as he gazed down. Though he unfortunately didn't catch this hint.


"Of course, D."

The two glanced up to see the rest of the group walking towards them. Y/n waved happily.

April and Donnie glanced at each other with smiles and joined the group.

"Hey guys!", April smiled.

"Hey April! Donnie..", Y/n's smile and tone slightly switched to a more upset one, though they tried to appear as happy as possible.

They hoped their beloved friend wouldn't run off again.

"Hey!", April smiled.

"Hi..", Donnie nervously grinned as he fidgeted his hands.

The awkward tension was so thick, the entire group noticed immediately.

"Hey Y/n?", Donnie asked.

"Yeah?", The teen looked over at the mutant.

"Wanna go to a cool booth I saw? I think the voice actor of Atomic Lass was over there.", Donnie smiled.

Y/n's grin grew to the point their face ached.

"Yes!!", Y/n was about to grab Donnie's hand, but paused. But to their surprise, he grabbed theirs instead of as usual just granting permission and letting them grab his hand. With a light squeeze of the teens hand, Donnie led the two off.

The rest of the group smiled at the duo.

"Oh, and Y/n?", Donnie mumbled.

"Yeah?", the teen tilted their head.

"You look great.", Donnie looked away.

"Better than Atomic Lass?", Y/n smirked.

"Maybe.." (yes)


A/n: aaaa i hope this wasn't too ooc I tried to make it accurate but I don't think it is. tbh i dont like this chapter eekddkekskdke

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