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"Holy shit Y/n!! I can't believe it finally happened!", April whisper-yelled to the teen next to her in their Computer Science Class.

Y/n whispered to April about the recent event that happened between them and a certain purple mutant.. it served as a great distraction from the glaring faces of certain ex-friends they just so happened to share the class with..

"So did you guys like make it official?! Did you kiss?! More details dude!", April grabbed the the teens shoulders, slightly shaking them, her voice still at a whisper.

"Kinda? It wasn't outright said, but I think we are. I'll have to ask him just in case. Also, he did kiss me on my nose, I don't think he's fully comfortable with the lips just yet.", Y/n pointed at their nose with a smile, feeling the heat rush to their face.

"Aweee!!", April grinned. Just then rustling was heard above the two and they froze, then heard something plop down next to Y/n.

The two looked over to see a familiar face. Y/n grinned so wide their face hurt. Donnie.

He sits on the office chair next to Y/n and rolls as close as possible. Their faces were close.

"Hey, beautiful.", Donnie grinned. Y/n's eyes widened a bit, but they then smirked.

"Hey, uh.. what are some pet names i could.. pookie?.. oh hell no. uh.." Y/n tried to think of a cute name that WOULDN'T make them vomit.

"Meh, whatever. But anyway, what are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here, I'm just curious.", Y/n smiled.

"Well, I of course had to see my amazingly brilliant and genius partner! I mean that's- that's what we are.. right?", Donnie grinned, tilting his head.

"Told ya." Y/n glanced at April, then back at Donnie, "of course, Hun. That one sounds decent, better than most names I've heard."

Donnie smiled, grateful for any name bestowed upon him by his glorious partner.

Eventually, April and Y/n got to work as Donnie rested his head on Y/n's shoulder, watching them do their school work. He, of course, complimented them the entire time.

'Ooo yes! Lovely way to go about that!'

'You look gorgeous... did I say that out loud?'

'Man, I love how smart you are..'

'You're the second smartest person I know! The first being me of course.'

'Have I already told you how attractive you are?'

Y/n was a smiling and flustered mess the entire class, but even then, there was one thing driving their attention away every now and then.

They'd glance over to meet the eyes of Jason, who quickly looked away. He seemed.. upset..

They'd have to ask him later. Kendra's probably being an asshole to him... again....


Donnie unfortunately left after that class, and Y/n went to their last class, which went by fairly quick. It was their second favorite subject after all.

After school, they stood outside sighing, but they noticed a familiar face a couple feet away. It was Jason, who appeared to be tossing something away, he seemed REALLY upset.

They frowned, and of course, HAD to approach their friend. They put a hand on his shoulder, and he jumped. His gaze softened upon seeing them as he weakly smiled.

"Hey..", Jason shifted uncomfortably.

"Hey.", Y/n frowned, their gaze moved towards the trash. They're heart dropped as they noticed an envelope with their name and a small heart, as well as a smiley face doodle.

They looked up at him, to see his eyes widened once he realized they noticed. He nervously stared at them, awaiting some sort of response. They didn't even know what to say.

How could someone as smart as them miss these obvious signs?! They overthought every encounter the two had, realizing how obvious it was.

How he held a goofy smile whenever he looked and him, along with his reddened face, how he'd compliment them then begin to quickly ramble about something else, how he'd stiffen and stumble over himself every time they even looked his way.. it was all so obvious.

"I'm so sorry I.. I just.. I don't view you that way, plus I have a boyfriend n-"

"Donnie, right?", Jason stared at the floor, his hands clenched from the overwhelming anxiety.

"Yeah.", Y/n began to feel anxious as well.

"Yeah, I kinda expected that. You guys seem to really like each other. He seems great.", The boy spoke, looking down, sounding as if he was holding in his emotions.

They looked over at the now teary eyed boy. Their heart shattered. They put their hands on his shoulders as his head shot up, they knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Hey! Listen. Just because I don't like you like that doesn't mean you aren't great, got that?! I'm just.. not the one for you. You'll find someone, trust me.", Y/n gave a reassuring smile.

"I just wish I  was the one for you..", Jason muttered as tears began to stream down his face. Y/n stared at him, speechless at this point. He looked up as his eyes widened a bit.

"Please- Please don't be upset. I'm sorry- Please don't feel bad, okay?", Jason panicked a bit.

Jason pauses then sighs.

"It's not your fault at all, I'm just a little upset, but like you said, I'll find someone.. eventually. Plus, I just want you to be happy, if you're happy... I'm happy too. And.. can we still be friends?.. if not that's fine!!", Jason nervously smiled, wiping his tears. Y/n stared at him, knowing he was lying. He wasn't happy.

They simply sighed.

"Of course, Jase."

Y/n's phone beeped. Don. Y/n looked up at him and Jason nodded with a smile, as he waved them goodbye. Y/n smiled, running off as they waved back.

Jason glanced back at the trashcan with a frown, but took a deep breath. He looked over at Y/n hugging Donnie, who was in his usual purple hoodie. Jason smiled and walked off.




A/N — Sorry if this chapter was bad, I just couldn't leave Jason's obvious crush hanging, without some sort of closure. Hopefully this was okay. Hopefully more chapters coming soon, my stone x reader is a WIP, but I'm pretty far with working on the layout. It's gonna have 20 chapters. So a tiny bit shorter than this one. 

+。:.゚𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓽𝓼.:。+゚- Rise! Donatello x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now