About me my family and my town

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Summer. The season that everyone loves. I always wondered why but I suppose that it's because it's always hot and you can go swimming. Personally, I've always liked Autumn because it has bonfire night in. Not much people like bonfire night and its always forgotten because it's not that big of a deal but I never forget. Never.

My whole family has brown hair except me. I have ginger. I'm the odd one out in my family, everyone is special, even my boring dad and he used to be a blues singer. The only thing special about me is that I'm really brainy and can solve a question in my head that's meant for year 10's. My mum says that its a gift because neither my mum or dad is that brainy as me, but I just think its another reason to get teased. I wish I was special like the rest of my family but I guess that's how I'm born.

This week is the middle of summer so everyone is getting ready for the mid summer festival. It's quite a big deal in Talory Onery. Our town has a really weird name but the people who named it are even weirder though. They are still alive and they make a 10 hour speech at the mid summers festival and every year it's the same. About how they got the town but a two year old could have done what they done because it was so easy. All they had to do was sign a piece of paper to say they want this land.
But somehow they always make their speech interesting by giving disgusting sweets the kids who where gullible enough to believe that they do all the things they say they do.

In the mid summer festival my family always make a stall where there was a sand pit and pegs in there and you had to try and pull out one with a red dot then you win a prize. My brother, Peter, only runs the stall to meet girls, but he always tells mum that he's doing it to help out the family.

Peter is 15.  I worry about him sometimes because he has done some weird things lately, but I'm sure he's fine . Me and my brother aren't really close as we like completely different things but I wish I could get close to him before I grow up.

I help out on the stall to sometimes but mostly, I help out on the science stall. I know it may sound geeky but I'm in charge of showing people the magic of fire. My best friend Anna does the chemistry project. She says she likes chemistry because when she's putting the chemicals together it gives her a thrill of excitement, but I don't think that's all it is.

Anna has been my best friend ever since nursery. People always wonder if we were meant for each other because, unlike my brother, we are the same! I've always had her back and she's always had mine but I wonder that there is something different about her then most people. I know it may be weird but sometimes she's completely fine and then the next minute she's not. And then she'll snap back into her normal self then run away. But I'm not going to bring it up because it seems like a personal problem.

I have a crush but he's way over my league. His names Nial but he does nothing for the midsummer festival. All he does is play on the games while girls woo over him. I never do that though he doesn't even know me so why try.

The reason why I like him is not because of his handsomeness like other girls I like him for his kindness and I know he's kind. He the only boy who dosnt tease me and he smiles at me when he sees me unlike the other people who just stare and laugh. We've never really talked before because he's always near the girls that tease me but hopefully we could get to know each other a bit more before the end of the year.

Recently I've had a new sister called May. May is 1 year  old and is the youngest in the family. She's been learning words much quicker then all her friends and can say sentences. She's a handful for my mum and she had to quit her job and look after May but my dad is too busy at work to look after May so mum has to do it alone. This is May's first festival, but we don't know if she will be going as she always unwell.

So far this summer has been very hectic but, the best bit of summer is the midsummer festival and I can't wait for it to come to town!

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