My whole life

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"Come on! I really want to show you!" I say dragging Peter and Anna towards  the forest.

"You woke us up at 7:30 when it's the summer, not cool Grace, not cool." Anna wines.

"At least she didn't wake you every hour to remind you." Peter complains. I roll my eyes.

"I'm just very excited!!" I jump up and down. "And I've learnt some new things!"

I couldn't wait to show Peter and Anna how I've controlled my powers.

There was load of questions I still wanted to ask Flora. Such as how did I get my powers, also yesterday I didn't faint like usual, why?

Once we get to the forest I run towards where I saw her last.

"Flora, come out!" I shout

"Flora? Wait-"

"Yes, Anna it's me! Flora the Fire, Electric and Healing fairy!"

"Guys? Who's Flora?" Peter asks.

"Ah, so this is the girls brother. You will be a great help but also a great disturbance." We look at Peter who looks freaked out.

"Flora, just come out, please." I say.

She comes from behind a tree and smiles.

"Hello, Grace, Anna and Peter." She walk over to Anna.

"I thought you were gone, I thought you quit being a fairy." Anna says.

"Well apparently to the rules I have to stay being a fairy until retirement and that's not for like another 20 years." Flora flips her hair. 

"So your a fairy, and your real," Peter says slowly.

"Yes, I'm real. And don't get me mixed up with dwarfs! They're just weird!" She wrinkles her nose.

"How are you not found out yet?"

"Well when someone sees me, that rarely happens, I just wipe their mind!"

"Wow." His mouth drops open.

"So what did you need to tell me?" I ask, kneeling down on the rough ground.

"You wanted to know where you got your powers from. Well it's a bit complicated but you got your powers from a witch." We all stare at Flora not believing a world she said.

"But how? You can't get powers from a witch, your born with powers." Anna says.

"Well this witch is called ' Decrin ' or Dec for short. She is the only witch in the fairy Kingdom and lives in the tower at the top of forest hill. Recently she unlocked a power where she could give powers to 5 people once a year. 1/5 people was you."

"But why me? I've never met this Decrin lady before."

"It's because of what your parents have done. They knew that you were going to be born with powers but with powers that could break the whole universe. So all of fairy Kingdom went on a mission to find a spell to get rid of your powers." Flora says.

"But, Grace could've controlled it, like I did." Anna holds out her hands and electricity comes out.

"That's what Decrin thought as well. She was the only one in the whole universe who had the reverse power spell but, she didn't want to give it to your parents. About 2 days before you were born, the fairy army broke into her house and stole the reverse spell and also recked everything."

"That's terrible! Why would they do such a thing!" I shout feeling sorry for Decrin.

"When you were born they ran a test and the results were: No Powers. When Decrin found out she was furious and that's when she turn evil."

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