Whose there?

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"Is she waking up?" Peter says.

"Stop worrying, she's completely fine, I hope." Anna says.

I open my eyes and see Anna and my brother standing with their backs to me "Hey don't listen to me, I have no idea what I'm doing."

During this conversation I slowly get up, them still not not noticing me.

"What do you mean you hope?! Is my sister going to be alright?!" Peter screams at Anna, them being totally oblivious that I'm now walking around the room.

"Quit your whining, we'll take her to my mum, she'll know what to do." She looks towards the bed where I previously was.

"Where's grace?!" Anna shouts.

"You lost her!? She could be anywhere!"

"I lost her?! We both lost her actually, and she's your sister!"

"You two stop bickering, it's making my head hurt even more then it already was." Both their heads snap towards me as I start speaking.

"How on earth did you get from there to there?!" Anna shouts.

"God, you guys are ridiculous!" I say face palming.

"Do you remember earlier?" Peter asks. My breathing rushed at the thought. "What happened?"

"I...I...I don't know." I say  quietly

"I'm sure you'll be alright Grace, everything's going to be fine." Peter says calmly.

I walk backwards towards the door.

"Grace where are you going?" They both look at me. Nothing can happen to them if I'm not here.


"I can't hurt you!" I shout before running out the room. I hear footsteps behind me and carry on going.

"Grace stop!" They shout.

"I can't, I can't let you get hurt because of me!" I reach the front door and turn back for a second. Tears stream down my face.

"Grace please, you can control it." Peter says looking into my wet eyes.

"I'm sorry." And with that, I'm gone. I run down the drive way and start going towards the next street.

In my mind I search for a place to go. Somewhere no one will find me. I look towards a sign. On it it says: -> Town     <-  school ^ Forest.

I've never noticed the forest being on there before. But I go in the direction it's pointing. I try and hide from other people on the pavement, just incase they saw my powers. Suddenly I bump into someone.

"Sorry." The person says in front of me. I recognised the voice and shiver inside.

"Yea um sorry." I say lifting my head a little. Nathan from the fair is in front of me. I wait for the comments that I'm a monster but it never comes. He walks past me  and continues down the street.

I try and ignore it and carry on going towards the forest.  I couldn't hear footsteps behind me so I slow the pace.

5 minutes later I reach the forest. I kneel down beside a tree and let everything out that I've been holding in. 

"Why does this have to happen to me!" I sob cuddling myself in a ball. Tears stream down my face. "I haven't done anything wrong have I?"

"No, no you haven't." A girly voice says around me.

"Whose there?" I get up and look around the area.

"Me! Flora!" The squeaky voice says. "Don't be scared!"

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