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I open my eyes, as the birds tweet outside. Like a fairytale morning, except it wasn't.

"Hey Grace! Unless your going to be a sloth all day, I suggest you get up." Peter yells from outside my bedroom.

"Heh gwace is slothy!" May screams. I moan hauling myself up from the sheets I love so much.

I go over to the door and open it. Peter stands there with a smirk on his face while May runs into my room.

"Hello darling sister, how was your sleep?" He says, holding in the laughter.

"Oh, shut up. Why are you here?" I ask leaning on the door frame.

"Can't a brother just visit their sister because they love them?"

"Gwace, am I awoud to use this?" I turn, to May holding my lipstick and red all around her face.

"May!! That's my favourite lipstick!" I scream, running over to her, snatching the lipstick out of her sticky hands.

"And this is why I'm here, bye!" He laughs.

"Wait Peter! You ok?"

"I'm fine, Grace. Don't worry about me." He says, bringing me into a hug.

"Yay! Hugging time!" May yells grabbing our shoulders.

"Sometimes I really love you, May."

"So, can I kweep you lipstick?"

"And then there times I just want to crush you for using my stuff!" I scream at her.

"Horsy! It's time to go!" May points to Peter, who laughing his head off. She jumps onto his back and they run out the room.

I love it when our family bonds, I hope it stays forever.

********An Hour Later***********

"Morning." I say, walking into the kitchen.

"Well look who's awake." Peter smirks.

"Actually I've been awake since 7:00" I lie. Everyone stares at me in disbelief. "Ok, I got up an hour ago."

"Me and your dad will be out today so I trust you and Peter to look after May. If you hurt her, you'll wish you weren't born. Do I make myself clear?" Mum glares at us, a glare that only a mum can do.

"Sure. You can count on me and Grace!" Peter slings his arm around my neck.

"You are being seriously annoying today."

"Aren't I always." He smiles letting go of me, and walking to the sink.

"By the way the sinks broken." Our dad says coming in through the door as Peters turning on the water. Suddenly, water splashes all over him.

"What the hell!?" He yells "Now my shirts all wet!"

"I did warn you."

"Ugh." Peter complains take his shirt off, revealing the scars on his back.

"Peter, why is there scars on your back?" My parents question. Peter freezes

"I....I...um....scraped myself on the fence. Yea, um it really hurt." He stutters. I mentally facepalm at how bad he lies.

"Ok Peter, I think it's time for Mum and Dad to be going!" I say quickly, trying to cover up for my idiot brother.

"Oh yes, we'll talk about this later, bye!" As they walk out the door, we sigh in relief.

"What were you thinking!? You nearly blew up the whole plan!" I scream at him.

"What plan? I didn't know there was a plan?" He says, twisting his head so he could look at his scars.

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