Girls Day Out

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"Finally! A girls day out, without getting interrupted by brothers and fairies and powers." Anna skips along the pavement with a smile on her face.

"Yea, well it's been a long week. So what are we going to do?" I ask sighing.

"Well we're going to shop till we drop!" She sings. We laugh.

"Hey look at that cute boy over there! He looks your type!" Anna points over to a boy who's crossing the street. His face looks worried and scared?

"I don't think I'll be getting a boy friend right this second, I've got enough things on my mind. Plus I have never had a boyfriend before, i wouldn't know what to do." I look down as Anna smirks beside me.

"Oh Grace, I have a lot to teach you."

"What do you know about boyfriends?"

"Don't question your master, young one." We both laugh.

*******************In town*********

We walk through the busy crowds trying to cling onto each other so we don't get lost.

"Why is it so busy?"

"Maybe because it's bank holiday, one of the most busiest day in town!" I scream.

"Hey don't get your knickers in a twist! Hey look, it's that boy again, you know, the one we saw earlier." And there he was right in front of us, coming out of a shop.

Ah, I could almost feel myself drolling..........wait do I have a crush? On a boy I haven't even spoken to, or got to know him..........What's wrong with me?

"Grace, nothing's wrong with you." Anna says breaking my thoughts. My eyes widen just realising that I said it outloud.

Now the mysterious boy is walking towards us. My heart froze. What if he's going to talk to us? Or try and ask me out on a date?! I think I'm go going into dream world. All he's going to do it walk past us, yeah.

"Grace is that you?" A familiar voice comes from behind me but I couldn't put my finger on it. I turn expecting the worse and I was right. There stands Nial with a desperate look on his face.

"Oh hey Nial!" I put on a fake smile.

"Hi! About the other day, I didn't kno-"

"Its fine Nial, just forget about it ok?"

"But I-"

"Nial, I know it wasn't your fault, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." I glance at Anna who is speachless.

"Ok, bye then." I sigh as he walks off. I look at where the mysterious boy was but he was gone.

"Wow, you haven't talked that way to a popular, boy in ages!" Anna says.

What's happened to me that's made me more confidant? Maybe it the whole powers thing?

"Lets go do some more shopping!" I shout putting my hand up in the air.

"Yay!" We link arms and continue with what could last forever.

**Later that day, still shopping**

I take a long sip of my hot, burning coffee and sigh. We spent 6 hours shopping and I can't walk no further.

"Ah, I haven't felt this way in ages!" Anna says going into a ball, squeezing her legs.

"I never want to feel this way again."

"Um excuse me, are you Grace Edwards?" I turn and right there is the mysterious boy staring right into my eyes.

"Yes, that's me." I nervously answer worrying that any minute I'll puke.

"And you Anna Cleafield?" The boy asks.

"Uh huh."

"Sorry you seem a little freaked out
but I'm moving into your school at the start of year 8 and I asked someone who's the 'geeks' of your school and they pointed to you two," Wow he just called us geeks, thats a great way to start a new acquaintance. "Oh and my names Mat."

"Hey Mat. Yea me and Grace are the geeks of the school. So why did you want to find us?"

"Well at my school I was a massive geek and I'm trying to find people to fit in with." He says smiling a little.

"Well you've came to the right place!" I blurt out.

"I need to go now, but I've got Anna's phone number because my mum and her mum are now suddenly friends now. So bye!" Mat disappears in the mist of the crowd.

"So thats where I knew him from, I've seen him round my house once, quite quiet though." Anna says as my phone rings. I hold the phone to my ear.

"Hello, it's Flora, something terrible has happend, get to your house quick." The call breaks up and Flora's voice is gone."


Ok I know, I keep not posting at its very bad of me........Ok it's terrible. Even tho I posted saying if I don't post a chapter by Monday night then I'll give you two chapters this week but I don't want to let you down again.

I've been writing this at 9:30 because my 'creative juices' flow at night so I'm going to try that from now on. Possibly it's because I'm in peace and have nothing to disturb me. But it does interrupt my sleeping.

Did you like this chapter? Mat is a new character to my story and I love him! I imagine him as a shy boy, not like any other boy at your school, and just wants to fit in with the crowd. To be honest he's like me but a boy.......that sounds really wrong but it's true. What do you thinks going to happen with Flora?

Make sure to read next weeks chapter and to also




Bye xxxx

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