Lets Go

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"Make sure you get lots of rest and eat food." Peter fusses over me. I lie on my comfy bed, surrounded by Anna, Flora and Peter.

"I'm fine. Seriously!" I shout, pushing away a plate of food that has been put in front of me. They all look at each other.

"What wrong?" I raise an eyebrow. Anna opens her mouth to speak, but then gets interrupted by Flora.

"Nothing, nothing at all!" I see Peter slap Flora, probably because she's terrible at lying. They smile at me, innocently, but I'm still suspicious.

Suddenly, the door flys open revealing Mat. Anna looks at me and then at him. I just smile.

"Grace! Are you ok?!" He shouts, running to the side of my bed. I place my hand on his wrist.

"I'm fine. I just got shot in the stomach." I say. His eyes widen. I feel his arm tensing.

"Just got shot in the stomach?! You could've gotten killed!!!! I should've walked you home, make sure your were alright. Or at least phone you to make sure you got home safely! I'm such a terrible boyfriend." Mat puts his head in his hands causing me to chuckle.

"You couldn't be any better." I smile. But then, it went terrible

My head started spinning and my vision and hearing went fuzzy. I could feel and person grabbing my head and another grabbing my arm. They pushed me firmly on the bed.

It went down hill from there. My arms and legs started controlling themselves and started flapping people who were trying to hold them down. My head ached in pain that I started screaming. A person stroked my forehead but didn't work.

I could hear someone saying words and then I was out.

*********Grace's dream**********

"Don't do it! You'll destroy the whole world!"

"I don't care! This world never wanted me so I don't want them! Go!"

"Pull her down!"

"Shut the gates!"

"Shoot her! Now!"


*********End of dream***********

"Hey, hey. Your awake now. Everything's fine." Mat strokes my arm. I look around at everyone. Peter is lying on the floor, Anna is collapsed on a beanbag and Flora is crashed on a chair. Destruction is every where.

"I..I don't know what happened." I look into Mats big brown eyes as he try's and calms me.

"God! You used to kick when you were younger but you never did that!" Peter says sighing loudly. Mat rolls his eyes next to me.

My phone lies on the ground, next to the fallen bedside table. I pick it up and realise it's on record. Mat eyes it, trying to snatch it out my hand but I manage to cling onto it. I hit record:


"Grab her legs!" Peter yells, to all of them.

"And be careful of her arms! She will fire!" Flora shouts flipping through a massive book.

"Yea I think I already know that." I see Mat look up with singed hair. Then several flames fly in the sky. Anna runs up to them and shoot electricity at them making them explode.

Screaming filled the room from my mouth and Mat tried and calmed me. Peter is at the other end of me, sitting on my legs.

Suddenly the screen goes black but the screaming continues.

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