Its ok I got you

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I walk into the kitchen, brain storming. It's Wednesday afternoon and I'm about to make the worst cake in the world.  This was for the dreaded cooking stall at the festival.

As I'm sitting down on the chair, the door swings open revealing May and Peter. May is on the floor and looks like she's been soaked in a bath with paints as she is covered in colours. Peter, however, is as clean as a window, glaring at May. Usually this scene would make me chuckle. But with all the stress I'm in, it doesn't.

"What did you do?! May needs to be at a birthday party in 3 minutes!" I say picking up May from of the floor, not letting her touch my clothes, and plonking her in the sink.

"Well someone," Peter says pointing at May, "decided they were going to have a paint party with Mr teddy bear and dolly while her brother went to the toilet!" I crackle up laughing but then straighten my face.

"You know that you can't leave May alone with paints!" I say turning to the sink and squirting baby wash in my hands and start carefully scrubbing Mays soft skin.

"I didn't give her the paints sh-"

"DING DING!" Peter looks at his phone on the table and goes slightly pale. We both go silent. I reach for the phone but he slaps me away.

"Don't! I'll get it" Peter starts to pick up the phone but then drops it again when he gets another message. I look at him my eyes glued to his face.

"Peter you've been acting strange recently is everything-"

"Shut up." Peter says sitting at a chair. He looks at a point on the wall, trying not to listen to a word I'm saying.

"Listen to me Peter, please," I say worriedly as I walk over to him. As I'm saying this, Peter puts his forehead on the table and shuts his eyes. "I'm your sister so I'm here for you if you need me."

I pick up the phone that is beeping constantly with messages. I look at the screen and put it straight down onto the table shocked at what I'm seeing.

"Peter, what's happening, tell" I demand. I wait for a reply but nothing comes. Peter breaths in about to say something when mum comes through the door.

"Peter, where's May?!?" Mums eyes wander around the kitchen, landing on a nearly, clean May at the sink. Mum quickly walks over to May, picks her up and carries her to the door.

"You, come with me." Mum says pointing at Peter who's head is now off the table staring at the floor, avoiding my glance. He follows her out the room leaving me with the still beeping phone that I can't dare  to look at again and a dirty sink.

I sigh and look at the recipe for the cake and start poring in ingredients into the bowl. My mind is still flashing with the words that Peter has got sent:

"You will die."
"Think of what you done when I'm killing you"
"See you tomorrow, Peter Edwards, because I'll be waiting"
"Be scared of me"
"I'm coming for you, Edwards."

I mix the all the ingredients together and shove it into the oven. I hear the front door slam realising that it's just me and Peter in the house. I feel like I can't confront Peter today so I decide to go read a book until the cake had cooked.

As I'm walking to my room, I feel my legs give in and I collapse to the floor. My brain starts aching so much that I start screaming. I felt like a knife had gone through the back of my head. I lie on my back still screaming as every bone starts to shut down.

"Grace!" Peter runs from his room and reaches my body before I black out into darkness.

My eyes open to find Peter crouching over my body shaking me. When I start moving he lies back relived. I sit up but when I open my mouth to talk Peter puts his finger on my lips and hugs me tightly. I hug back then start crying from the pain in my head and Peter pulls me onto his lap.

He starts rocking me saying over and over again:

"It's ok, your fine, I've got you, don't worry." I stop shivering and Peter carries me to my room, resting me on my bed.

"Ok Grace, I know your tired so we are going to talk about what happened in the morning, ok?"he pauses for a moment " and I'll tell you about the messages." I nod hugging Peter again, before falling asleep in his arms.


Hi guys! Ok this chap was slightly....Um how do I put it? Worrying I guess. It's a lot to take in so if you feel you need to talk to me about it to understand some things feel free to put in a comment


Asking if we could private chat

While I was writing the bit where grace collapsed I was kinda shivering myself a little bit. As always I plan how a chapter is going to go and I never stick to it. In the plan was to make the cake and find out what was wrong with Peter. But the collapsing and the paints thingy wasn't included.

I had 600+ words in this chap and my goal was only 500 so I'm very pleased 😊

Also I changed Peters age to 15 because he was originally 9 but I thought that all the stuff he's done is nothing like a 9 year old. Grace is my age so about 12 going on to year 8. I think I might make her birthday the same as mine. What do you guys think?

LYSM ~Charlotte~

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